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I hated having that same dream over and over. I was glad Mira didn't push the subject any further, but I hated being unable to tell her what it was. I knew that she had met that strange man in town yesterday before it even happened. I've been having those nightmares about him taking my mate away from me after I had found her. Was he her mate, too? I didn't know for sure, but every time I saw his face, I always felt something might be off about him.

I turned to face my beautiful mate and looked into her eyes. I saw her worry for me and pulled her close into a tight hug. "I love you, Logan," I heard her say quietly.

I pulled slightly away from her, and with a smile on my face I asked her, "What did you say?"

"I said that I love you." She responded.

"I love you, too!" I said happily.

"So I have some good news." She said.

Are you pregnant? I wanted to say. Oh, what a day that will be. If only she were, I would be the happiest man alive. I love her boys as if they were mine, but it would be nice to have a little one around.

Taking my smiling and silence she continued, "My divorce will be finalized at the end of this week."

"That is great news, my love," I said.

"Yes, it is!" She replied with a smile, "I will be finally free and then you and I can start our lives together finally."

"Our lives already started, I thought," I responded.

"It has, but that's not what I meant." She said.

"What did you mean?" I asked.

"I guess whatever you want it to be." She replied.

I hoped she was talking about marrying me and having my babies and spending the rest of our lives together. Only time will tell, I guess I'll just have to wait until her divorce is finalized. I could not wait until this week was over. I was ready to have her as mine.

The week was dragging by. Mira's arraignment was at 0900 in the morning and today could not be slower. I was ready for her divorce to be finalized. It probably didn't help matters by looking at the time constantly, but I couldn't help it, I was on edge and ready for this to be all over with. My year was almost up and I wanted nothing more than to marry my true love.

Mira was aware that she would have to marry me by the end of this year. I knew she wanted to wait awhile before getting remarried again, but she was so understanding about how all this worked. At least we had six months before we had to get married.

Mira got everything that they agreed on: the boys, her belongings, and me. Charles got the house like they agreed and didn't seem to care if he saw their boys or not, not with him having another one on the way. I felt bad for Mira, but at the same time, I was so excited especially after she walked out of that courtroom with the biggest smile on her beautiful face. I stood up and hugged her as if it would be my last.

"You ready to go home?" I asked her.

"Yes, please!" She said with a smile.

We made a few stops on our way back, it was a long drive after all.

"What are you thinking about, love?" I asked her.

She looked at me and had the biggest smile on her face. "I am just glad that is all over with, and I won't have to worry about him trying to take the boys from me because he signed his rights away."

I reached my hand over to hers, intertwining our fingers. "I am glad too! You have no idea how happy I am right now!"

"Yes, I do!" She said excitedly. "We should celebrate, what do you say?"

"I think that is a fantastic idea!" I said, "What would you like to do?"

"I'm not sure, what if you and I go to dinner before we get home?" She replied.

"That sounds like a good idea to me," I said.

We found a nice restaurant to stop at and eat, before heading back home. After we were finished, she walked to the back to use the restroom. I sat and waited for her for what seemed like forever. My nerves were starting to get the best of me as I paid for our meal. I started to have a bad feeling that something was wrong, so I started to walk towards the bathrooms when Mira walked out bumping into me.

"Sorry, love." I said, "Are you ready to go now?"

"Yes," she said.


The drive home was a blur, I don't even know how long it took us to get back. Sleep overtook me quickly and the nightmare I have almost every night, came back to haunt me. This time it felt more real than the other times, making me jump up in fright. Looking over next to me, I relaxed at the sight of my love. Thank goodness I didn't wake her. She looked so peaceful sleeping there. I decided to get up and head downstairs. Taking a walk might help clear my mind from that god-awful nightmare. The mere thought of my dear Mira being taken from me puts me on edge. I've taken every precaution I can think of. I don't think she would want me to get her another bodyguard. She Might start to resent me if I did that. Then again, I could just tie her to me and have her never leave my side. That might work. I don't know what else I can do to make sure nothing ever happens to her.

Morning came all of a sudden. As I headed towards the kitchen for a bite to eat, which the cooks had already prepared for the pack, I grabbed a plate to take to my Luna. She was probably still in bed waiting for me to come pull her close to me. I walked into our room, seeing that she was nowhere in sight, I placed her plate of food down on the nearest table in search of her.

She walked out of the bathroom in just a towel, making me groan at the sight of her.

"OH, you scared me," she said jumping.

"Sorry, love," I said reaching for her hands and pulling her into my embrace.

"You brought me breakfast?" She asked, pointing at the plate of food.

"Yes, I hope you like it," I told her.

"Yes, thank you!" She replied taking a bite.

After breakfast and Mira putting on some clothes finally, I told her I had to get some work done in my study, but that I would try to hurry so that we could spend some quality time together. She seemed a little disappointed by it but nodded and said she might go for a run. Of course, she knows that Tom has to go with her.

Working in my study is never fun. There are so many responsibilities as an Alpha that I don't get much time outside of that. The day seemed like it was longer than usual, and the work I had to do would never be done.

It was late when I got done with my work. My servant had brought me dinner so that I could eat and finish my duties. She even came back after I had finished to take the dishes back to the kitchen. I stood up, turned out the light in my study, and closed the door behind me, I walked upstairs to my room finding it empty. I tried texting my lovely Luna to see where she was. When I got no response, I placed the phone on the nightstand beside my bed and quickly drifted off to sleep.

When morning came, I slowly opened my eyes and turned over to see if Mira was next to me. Finding her nowhere, I look at my phone and notice no response. I get up and start looking around. I checked my bathroom, her room, her boys' rooms, and every room in this house, and still found no Mira. Worry crept in, putting me on edge. I decided to call her and get her voicemail. Her boys are also nowhere to be found.

"Tom," I mind-linked him.

"Yes, sir?" He mind linked me instantly.

"Have you seen Mira or the boys?" I asked him.

"No sir," he said. "Are they not in their rooms?"

"No, they are not," I said. "Did you go running with Mira yesterday?"

"No sir, I didn't." He responded.

Thinking about the nightmares I had been having lately, I was definitely on high alert now. I mind linked my entire crew to see if they had seen them. Getting no response from the pack, I decided that we were officially on a war hunt for them and would not rest until they were found and safe.

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