Chapter 4

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Below is what Misty is wearing for the first half of the chapter.

Below is what Misty is wearing for the first half of the chapter

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It was the day of the tourney game with its two newest villain kid players, Jay and Carlos. It was also the day Mal and her friends would spell Misty with a love potion in order to get close to the wand during her coronation. Their plan was to have Misty fall in love with Jay so that he can be in the front row of her coronation and get up close to the wand to take it to break down the barrier.

Currently, Misty was sitting on the library studying for some test she had. The doors of the library open and all four of the VK's walk in and seem to be looking for someone. They look around the library and Carlos points to her where Misty is siting.

Mal hands Jay the bag of love spell cookies and push him towards her, while the rest of them hide behind a near by bookshelf. Jay walks over to Misty and sits in the chair next to her, Misty noticed someone siting next to her. She looks up and sees Jay next to her, she smiled, "Hey Jay, whats up? Ready for the tourney game today?" Jay smiles at her and nods "Yeah, really excited. Hey would you like a cookie? The group and I made them yesterday and I wanted to give one to you one, to see what you think. It was our first time making them so we wanted to get your opinion." He says showing her the plastic bag with chocolate chip cookies. Misty looks at the cookies and smiles, "Oh so thats what Lonnie was talking about. She said you guys were in the kitchen last night making cookies. Oh and sure all try one."

Jay smiles and opens the bag and reaches in and grabs one and hands it to her. Misty smiles and takes the cookie, she takes a bite of it. She smiles at the taste "Wow this is really good,especially for your first time making them. The chocolate chips were a nice touch, by the way." She nods. The rest of the group comes from behind the bookshelf and stands behind Jay. "How do you feel?" Evie asks hopefully. Misty shrugs "Like in general or after eating this cookie, because this cookie has made my day ten times better." She says going to take another bite but Mal stops her by putting a hand over hers that had the cookie in it.

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