Chapter 8 (D2 Prologue)

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(This is what Misty is wearing during this chapter)

(This is what Misty is wearing during this chapter)

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It has been about four months since Misty's coronation, four months since she graduated, and four months since she became queen. Things were going smoothly for the most part, she gets stressed from time to time. But she can handle it, for the most part. When Misty wasn't doing her queen duties, she was either in fencing (She was captain and Jay was her co-captian, yes even though she graduated she still wanted to be apart of fencing), hanging out with her brother, or hanging out with the Vk's. They had become like a second family to her, they had given her the title of 'honorary Vk' due to how close they all got over the past few months.

Currently Misty was in her office sitting at a angle as her feet were on her desk (Her dress was long enough to cover everything) looking at some paperwork while eating some gummy candy. When there was a knock on the door, Misty's eyes widened and she threw the candy in her drawer and put her legs down and she continued to look at paperwork. "Come in!" Misty has to the person on the other side of the door. The door opens and her brother walks in, Misty looks up and she realizes its her brother. "Oh, its you." Misty then opens her drawer and pulls out the candy and places her feet back on the desk.

Ben looked at her confused and sat in one of the chairs in front of her desk. "What do I owe the pleasure of the presence of my younger brother?" Misty says eating a gummy worm. Ben rolls his eyes and glances at the bag of gummy worms and back at her. Misty looks to where he is looking and she groans and rolls her eyes. She takes her legs off of the desk again and reached into a drawer and pulled out new bag and tossed them to him. He caught it and smiled, opening the bag. "Was that it you came here to steal my food?" She asked him annoyed. Ben looks at her, "What? I can't visit my amazing sister?" he said with a smile on his face eating a gummy worm. She gave him a annoyed  'really' look, "Uh huh, sure. What do you need?" She asks turning to him. 

Ben cleared his throat, "I want Mal to be part of the royal court, and I want to introduce her as a Lady of the court at a cotillion." Misty choked on a gummy worm but swallowed it, she looked up at him with a shocked expression. "Uhh, ok, when were you thinking?" Misty says grabbing her calendar still in shock. "In about two months maybe?" He asked nervously. Misty dropped the calendar and stared at him. "What?" Bean asked nervously. 

Misty closes her eyes and takes a deep breath, after she opens her eyes and looks at him more calmly. "Ok, well, have you talked to Mal about it?" Misty asks organizing her desk, she would organize when she was stressed or nervous about something. Ben nods, "Well does she know that a cotillion is like getting engaged, to be engaged, to be engaged, and what being apart of the royal court entails?" She asked putting some papers in a folder.

Ben shakes his head a little, Misty sighs "If you plan to go through with this you need to tell her sooner rather than later." She say sitting down facing him. Ben then perks up a bit, "So we can do it?" He asked hopefully. Misty sighed again, "I don't know." Ben looks at her confused his smile dropping slightly. 

"Ben, here is the thing, with cotillion comes a lot of stress, for everyone involved, and its going to happen mostly to Mal, because she is going to be the lady of the court. She just got 'free' from her mother's bidding four months ago. I know that you love her a lot, and I know she loves you, but I would wait at least a year. You have to give her some room to breathe, she is still new to Auradon, she needs to find herself first and be more comfortable with everything. And throwing her into this isn't going to help. She feels like she doesn't fit in now, how do you think she is to feel when she has to be a lady of the court? She is from the Isle, Ben. They don't prepare for things like this there. You need to let her find herself more before throwing this at her so she doesn't have to do multiple things at once. I mean thats what I did and I found out I know."

Ben nods, "Please M, I promise that I'll help her so she won't be bombarded with stress. Please Misty. I will make sure everything goes right." Ben pleads. Misty sighs and thinks for a minute weighing her options. "Fine, but you have to keep your promise, I don't want to put her under any more pressure than she has to be. I will talk to the right people and we will get it announced. I'm going to prolong the planning as long as I can so she will be the least amount of stress and give her more time to get adjusted." She says to her brother. 

Ben nods and stands up, "Thank you Misty, I owe you one." She rolls her eyes, "I don't need anything from you, just keep your promise." Ben nods and leaves her office excited. Once the door closed she turned her chair around to face the window behind her desk and sighs.

"I have a weird feeling about this."

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