Chapter 7 (D1 Epilogue)

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(This is what Misty is wearing for this chapter)

(This is what Misty is wearing for this chapter)

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It has been about a couple of months since Misty became queen, and honestly she is doing pretty well. Thankfully, everyone has been helping her with everything, that as been a life saver. Also, Misty turned 17 a month before this and she graduated from Auradon Prep (she graduated early). She could now solely focus on being queen. Being 17 didn't really feel any different from before. Currently, Misty was in her office gathering her things for a upcoming council meeting she was holding to discuss bringing in more kids from the Isle to Auradon in the next week or so.

Misty was of course nervous, especially since what happened at her coronation, thats why she waited a couple of months, before going to the council about it. Misty grabs her binder with everything in it and walks into the council room where everyone was waiting.

Misty walks in and sets her things down at her seat at the head of the table. Once everyone arrives Misty stands up, "Thank you everyone for coming. I have called you here to discuss bringing more kids from the Isle to Auradon." Misty says. Everyone looks at her a little shocked and they all look at each other. One of the council members speak up, "Your Majesty, why are doing it so close in time to when the first group came over? Don't you think its to early?" He asks her. Misty looks to him, "I want to keep the flow of kids coming to Auradon consistent, so the others don't feel like they have been abandoned." Misty says.

"What about what happened at your coronation, what if something like that happens again, or worse?" Another asks. Misty sighs, "We can't guarantee, something will or won't happen. We have to remember that these kids were raised by parents who have wanted revenge on my father for putting them on that island in the first place and just wanted to rule over Auradon. They might be like the last four where they have a need to impress their parents so they will do their bidding. I can't promise something won't happen again. but something i think might help is to create a mentorship program to show the villain kids that come to Auradon about being good." She says confidently. 

A council women asks, "How are we choosing the kids? Is it at random?" Misty nods as she pulls out a form from her binder. "I want to hand out forms to all the kids and if they really want to come to Auradon for a chance to live a better life, then I want to give them that chance. If the kids genuinely want to come for a second chance I want to give that to them. The lady nods as she writes something down.

After a couple hours of back and fourth the meeting was called to a end. The final decision being: they will discuss it further.

Misty was a bit upset that the kids have to wait longer, but she understood. She dropped her stuff off at her office as she walked to Evie and Mal's dorm. She knocked four times and walked in, she saw Evie at her sewing machine making a dress. Mal was sitting on the floor next to Evie's bed doing homework. 

Mal and Evie didn't even look up to see who walked in, they already knew who it was. It was normal for Misty to come to their dorm at the end of the day. Misty always knocked four times, that's how they knew it was her.

Misty walked in and sat on Mal's bed and sighed. "How was the meeting?" Mal asked not looking up from her work. "They said that they will discuss it further. which I get, but I want this to happen. I know why they are a little cautious, but it still bothers me." Misty says, putting her elbows on her knees and burying her face in her hands. Mal looks up from her work and sets it aside as she looks at Misty. She stands up and sits next to her and wraps a arm around her shoulders. Misty rests her head on Mal's shoulder. "I just want to give those kids a second chance like I did for you guys." Misty says.

Evie stops working and looks over at the two, "You will, it might just take a little longer. But just by you even trying, is more than enough." Evie smiles at her Mal nods in agreement. Misty looks at Evie and smiles, "Thanks Evie" Misty says. Evie gives her a nod back, "Now, lets go make some cookies, I have been making orders all day and I'm hungry, Im sure you are too after that meeting." Evie says going over and grabbing Misty's hands and lifting her up from the bed. "Ok, that actually sounds really good. As long as you guys don't try to put another love spell on me." Misty joked. All three of them laughed as they walked out of the dorm and to the kitchen to make some cookies.

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