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Meerab's Chamber

The confrontation with Murtasim had ended in futility-he would not stop the wedding. All her arguments, all her pleas, had fallen on deaf ears. He was immovable, resolute, like the mountains that surrounded their kingdom. The reality of her fate was suffocating.

As she moved through the winding corridors, the sounds of laughter and celebration filled her ears. The castle was alive with activity, every corner brimming with excitement for the union that would soon take place. Servants scurried about, carrying vibrant fabrics and fragrant flowers, preparing for the grand nuptials. It was as if the entire kingdom was rejoicing in her despair, blissfully unaware of the turmoil that raged within her.

Meerab's eyes darted around, taking in the sight of her world crumbling around her. The decorations, the joy, the anticipation-it all felt like a cruel joke. She quickened her pace, her silken skirts sweeping the cold marble floors as she made her way back to her chambers. Her breath hitched as she fought back the tears that threatened to spill. She would not cry. Not here, not now.

Finally, she reached her room and pushed the door open with trembling hands. Inside, her mother, Queen Samira, was surrounded by the women of the harem, busy selecting fabrics, jewels, and other bridal fineries. They were all so engrossed in their tasks that they didn't notice her at first. The room was a flurry of colors and textures, silks of every shade imaginable draped across every surface, gold and silver threads glinting in the candlelight.

"Meerab, there you are!" Queen Samira exclaimed, turning towards her daughter with a smile that didn't reach her eyes. She moved forward, holding out a delicate, embroidered veil. "Look, isn't this beautiful? It's fit for a princess, don't you think?"

Meerab stared at the veil, its intricate design blurring in her vision. The weight of it all pressed down on her chest-the expectations, the duty, the inevitable loss of her freedom. She wanted to scream, to tear the veil apart, to run away from it all. But she couldn't. She didn't know what she wanted anymore.

"I..." Meerab's voice wavered, barely above a whisper. "I need a moment alone, Mother."

Queen Samira's brow furrowed slightly, concern flickering in her eyes. "Are you alright, my child? You seem... troubled."

"I'm fine," Meerab lied, forcing a tight smile. "Just... overwhelmed."

The Queen hesitated, then nodded, signaling for the other women to leave them. The ladies of the harem quietly filed out of the room, leaving Meerab and her mother alone. Queen Samira approached her daughter, gently placing a hand on her cheek.

Meerab turned to her mother, her voice low and filled with uncertainty. "Mother... do you ever wonder if the responsibilities of a princess are too heavy for one person to bear?"

Queen Samira paused, a delicate gold thread slipping from her fingers as she looked at her daughter. "The weight of the crown is indeed heavy, Meerab. But it is a weight we must carry with grace and strength, for the sake of our people."

"But what if I'm not strong enough?" Meerab asked, her voice trembling. "What if I'm not like you? I don't know if I can live up to these expectations."

Queen Samira's gaze softened as she moved closer to Meerab, taking her hands in hers. "Strength isn't just about power or force, my child. As princesses, we do not fight on the battlefield, but that does not mean we do not fight for our kingdom. Our battles are fought through diplomacy, through the alliances we form, and the peace we strive to maintain."

Meerab bit her lip, her thoughts a whirlwind of doubt and fear. "But diplomacy... it feels so... impersonal. How can we be sure that it's enough? That we're truly doing the right thing?"

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