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Meerab's Turmoil and Capture

Meerab's thoughts swirled in her mind as she walked aimlessly through the vast corridors of the palace. She couldn't quite comprehend why the thought of Murtasim's marriage to Princess Vasundhara was affecting her so deeply. She kept repeating to herself, "So he wants to marry every woman he can, but he won't have me." A strange ache settled in her chest, something she had never felt before. It was as if the weight of the entire palace was pressing down on her heart. She had always been strong, resolute, never one to let emotions cloud her judgment, but something was different now. Was it marriage that had done this to her? Was there some power in the ritual that had stripped away her defenses and left her vulnerable to feelings she didn't want to acknowledge?

Lost in her thoughts, Meerab didn't realize where her feet were leading her. The cold stone beneath her slippered feet felt far away, and the dim light from the torches on the walls barely registered in her mind. Before she knew it, she had wandered out into the garden, the cool night air brushing against her skin as she moved among the trees. The world was dark around her, the only sounds were the distant chirping of crickets and the rustling of leaves.

Suddenly, a strong arm wrapped around her from behind, and the cold edge of a sword was pressed against her neck. Meerab's heart leaped into her throat, and she froze in place, her breath hitching. Fear shot through her veins, but she quickly steadied herself. She wasn't someone who would easily fall apart.

"What do you want?" Meerab demanded, her voice sharp, hiding the tremor that threatened to reveal her fear. "You're making a big mistake. You have no idea who I am."

The man holding her chuckled, his voice deep and menacing. "Oh, I know exactly who you are."

Meerab's mind raced. She had to keep him talking, distract him. Slowly, she moved her hand to her sleeve where she had hidden a small blade. Her fingers found the cool metal, and she gripped it tightly. "If you know who I am, then you should also know that one person can't do anything to harm me," she said with more confidence than she felt. "Do you think you can kill the Empress so easily?"

The man laughed again, this time louder. "Kill? We're not here to kill you, Empress. We're here to take you with us."

Meerab's blood ran cold. There were more of them. Of course, there were more. One man wouldn't dare attack her alone. As she scanned the dark garden, she couldn't see anyone else, but that didn't mean they weren't there. Her thoughts were in chaos. Where had they come from? How had she walked right into their trap? Panic threatened to overtake her, but she forced herself to think. She needed a plan, and she needed it fast. The thought of Murtasim flashed through her mind, and she silently prayed, "Please come."

Murtasim's Dread and Search

Murtasim was deep in discussion with the King of Rajgarh, his mind focused on the intricacies of their political alliance. Yet, amidst the conversation, a strange feeling began to gnaw at him, a sense of dread that he couldn't shake off. His chest tightened, and for a moment, he lost track of the king's words. He tried to push the feeling aside, but it grew stronger, more insistent, like a shadow creeping up his spine.

"Are you alright, Emperor?" the King of Rajgarh asked, noticing Murtasim's distraction.

Murtasim blinked, trying to focus, but his thoughts had already drifted to Meerab. She had been in her chamber, safe and sound-or so he thought. But the uneasy feeling wouldn't leave him. "Forgive me, I need to check on something," he said abruptly, excusing himself from the conversation. He turned and hurried out of the room, his heart pounding in his chest.

He reached Meerab's chamber in record time, but as soon as he pushed open the doors, his heart sank. The room was empty. The bed was untouched, and there was no sign of her anywhere. Panic gripped him. Where could she have gone? He rushed back out into the corridor, calling out to the guards stationed nearby.

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