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As he closed in on her, the princess suddenly stopped mid-dance, her senses alerting her to his presence. She turned sharply, her expression shifting from alarm to confusion, and then to anger as she recognized him.

"What are you doing here?" Meerab's voice was laced with fury as she took a step back, her hand instinctively reaching for her veil. "This is the women's quarter! You have no right to be here, Sultan!"

Murtasim, momentarily taken aback by her sudden outburst, quickly regained his composure. Amusement flickered in his eyes as he took a step closer to her. "Your Highness," he began with a teasing tone, "I didn't realize the women's quarter included such beautiful scenery. If I had known, I might have visited sooner."

Her eyes narrowed, her anger flaring even hotter. "You are trespassing!" she hissed, trying to pull her hand free from his grip. "Leave at once, or I shall have you thrown out!"

He held onto her hand firmly but gently, a smirk playing on his lips. "Thrown out by whom? You? I'd like to see you try."

"Don't test me," she warned, her voice low and dangerous. "I may not be as strong as you, but I assure you, I can make you regret this."

Murtasim chuckled, clearly enjoying their banter. "I have no doubt about your abilities, Princess. After all, you've already proven your skills in diplomacy and more. But I must confess, I didn't expect to find you here, dancing under the stars. You're full of surprises."

Meerab's eyes flashed with indignation. "And you're full of arrogance! You think just because you're a king, you can invade my privacy like this? You have no respect for boundaries!"

"Perhaps," Murtasim admitted, still holding her hand, "or perhaps I'm just drawn to those who don't respect them either. You were the one dancing out here, where anyone could see you."

She snatched her hand back, finally free of his grip, and folded her arms across her chest. "This is my palace, my home. I can do as I please."

"And I suppose," Murtasim replied, leaning in slightly, "that includes lashing out at a guest who was merely admiring your dance?"

Meerab's jaw clenched, her anger only growing. "You're impossible. Why are you here, Sultan? Really?"

He met her gaze, his amusement fading into something more serious. "I was looking for someone."

Her eyes flickered with suspicion. "And you thought you'd find them in the women's quarters? How convenient."

"It wasn't my intention to end up here," he said, his voice softening. "But then I heard you... and I couldn't stay away."

Meerab's breath caught for a moment, her anger faltering as she processed his words. She quickly regained her composure, however, and turned her back on him. "You should leave, Your Majesty. This isn't a place for you."

"Perhaps you're right," he conceded, his voice carrying a hint of regret.

Murtasim took a step closer, his gaze steady but there was still a tension in the air between them. "I need your help," he said, his tone more serious now. "During the attack at the fest, a woman saved my life. She was quick, agile, and skilled with small weapons. But she disappeared before I could learn who she was."

Meerab's heart skipped a beat. The realization that Murtasim was searching for the woman he had fought alongside-and not recognizing that it was her-left a strange, uncomfortable feeling in her chest. Was it jealousy? Disappointment? She couldn't quite place it, but she knew she didn't like it. Pushing those feelings aside, she maintained her composure.

"I'm afraid I don't know of anyone who fits that description," she replied evenly, keeping her gaze level with his.

Murtasim studied her closely, his eyes narrowing slightly. He could sense that something was off, that she was holding something back. There was a slight tension in her posture, a flicker of something in her eyes that told him she wasn't being entirely truthful.

He stepped closer, the space between them shrinking with each step. Meerab instinctively took a step back, only to find herself near the edge of the staircase. Her heart raced as she tried to maintain her balance, but the sudden movement caused her to lose her footing.

Before she could tumble backward, Murtasim's hand shot out, catching her by the arm. He pulled her close, steadying her as their bodies pressed together. For a brief moment, time seemed to stand still as their eyes met. The world around them faded away, leaving only the intensity of their shared gaze.

Murtasim's breath was warm against her ear as he leaned in, his voice a low murmur that sent shivers down her spine. "I will find that woman, Princess," he whispered. "And you should know... you're not a very good liar."

His words lingered in the air between them, heavy with unspoken meaning. Meerab's heart pounded in her chest, a mix of emotions swirling within her-fear, confusion, and something else she couldn't quite name. She wanted to respond, to deny his accusation, but the words wouldn't come.

Murtasim released her arm and stepped back, his eyes never leaving hers. There was a strange sense of finality in his gaze, as if he had made up his mind about something important. Without another word, he turned and walked away, leaving Meerab standing alone at the top of the staircase, her mind reeling.

As she watched him disappear into the shadows, Meerab's thoughts were a jumble of conflicting emotions. How could he not recognize her? Did she want him to? And why did his words, his closeness, affect her so deeply?

Perplexed and uncertain, she remained there for a long time, trying to make sense of the confusing feelings swirling within her. She had never felt so unsteady, so unsure of herself-or of him. But one thing was clear: Murtasim was a man who saw more than he let on, and she would have to be more careful if she wanted to keep her secrets safe.

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