Triple threat! Truck guy, Luck guy, Funk guy!

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Yeah... Arc 4 is still in the works(thanks to my game data getting reset, 🤧); anyway, I noticed I forgot to add Three important guys to my fanfic, so here are 3 short stories about them.


Sheridan village

After Keta's death, but before the outbreak of ghost trees in East Gearan City.

Ray and Aelita were strolling together around the village and She introduced the boy to various places and people.

The Lilac-haired girl shows him her favorite spot. It was an old-looking Japanese building just like the others in Sheridan, but it had a poster of a PokeBall and a CD merging as the banner near the roof of the house.

"Tada! I bring you, the move tutor's house! Here you can teach moves to your Pokemon different moves!" Aelita shouts and opens the door revealing a panicking girl with black hair and a pink gi.

"Wah! Customers!!!! Oh wait it's just Aelita.... Thank goodness,"
The girl was able to calm down once she realized who opened the door.

"Shira? Where's your elder sister Kira? She's way better at tutoring than you are,"

"Kira's been gone for a while, I think she's on one of her training missions or something, I'm sorry, but until she returns I can't tutor anyone without some shards at least,"

Ray looked confused (Shards? What are those?)

Aelita and the brown-skinned boy leave Shira's shop and the girl sighed, "I wish she'd at least tell us where Kira went to, then we'd be able to help,"

"I'm sure she'll turn up eventually, anyway, what else does Sheridan have to offer?" Ray turned towards Aelita with sparks in his eyes; the best part of his journey was seeing new places and learning about their secrets.

Aelita began to sweat bullets, She knew Ray had already seen the purification shrine, and that was the main attraction of Sheridan.
"Umm.. well... There's...."

As she looked around, she happened to see a person she didn't know (someone new!)
"Let's check him out, Ray!" Aelita grabbed his hand and dragged him over there.

He was a middle-aged man with black hair and a stubby beard, a single blue earring on his left ear; he wore a pair of rough-looking gray trousers, a white button-up shirt, and over that, an open dark gray jacket with folded-up sleeves.
The man was leaning against a gray truck as the two teenagers approached him.

Ray's focus was on the truck; it was a Ford F150 model, quite rare. The only reason the boy was familiar with it was because the same truck had appeared in an anime he had recently watched.

"That's a cool Truck you've got there Mister!"

The man couldn't help but chuckle at Ray's honest statement.

"Well, thank you, it's my pride and Joy. I've gone around the whole Region on this, not to mention the other islands occasionally; this Baby can take me anywhere,"
The man touched the hood of his car and smiled, the look of his eye gave the scene of an experienced adventurer.

"All over the region?! That's an impressive feat! Who are you, sir?!" Aelita was taken aback by his words; for her, who hadn't traveled past her village, this Guy seemed like a legend already.

"Just call me Truck Guy, names are chains meant to hold back people, I want to be free to go anywhere with my truck,"

"Can we take a ride with you?! I wanna see the horsepower on her!"
Ray enthusiastically shouted.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Oct 02 ⏰

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