Ch 35

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(Warnings for Yandere themes, mentioned killing and death, etc. 

Not everything from the original story will be cannon mostly because I am not comfortable with writing that kinda stuff but I'll try to keep it as similar to the original story as possible minus the changes of throwing everyone back into character. Especially characters like Yoriichi and Rengoku.)

Obsession: Obsession is the term used to describe the addiction of thoughts or feelings pouring into ones mind like an intoxicating drug. The state of being obsessed with someone or something. An idea or thought that continually preoccupies or intrudes on a person's mind. The final stage of Addiction and Intoxication. To have the need to have them in their lives or else they'd never live again.

The difference between Obsession, Addiction, and Intoxication are simple. An addiction will go away eventually and an intoxication will remain within a person forever, but an Obsession is the next stage of want that is the driving force of the needs to have their life whole no matter what obstacle stands in their path. 

                                                                                   Part 4 Day-Night

The clopping of horse hooves against the ground outside. Each step matches on in the parade into no return. The fate that never was wanted by the girl in the plush seat on the carriage or the way her life turned out after all this time and work put into her life. 

"Y/n, don't be cold to me please. You'll love it back home. There's a large garden full of flowers and a beautiful view of the forest." A hand reached out to caress her face. "There's so much more-"


A stinging sensation throbbed from the contact her hand made with his, harshly smacking it away from her glowering face of hatred and filling the small carriage space with a snack sound. There was silence as he stared at her lightly surprised she had reacted so quickly and that a woman was able to hit him hard enough to make it sting, but he had forgotten about a very important part of her.

She served in the war against Muzan's forces. While she was a woman, her small body was a lot stronger than it looked. Deceiving to everyone, including himself and his brother if they ever forgotten. Speaking of which- Plum eyes looked over towards his sleeping twin leaned against the side of the carriage door still deep in slumber. They had started taking turns in shifts keeping an eye on her and right now it was his turn as his brother slept. His chest gently rising and falling with each breath he took. Luckily the smack wasn't loud enough to awaken Michikatsu and Yoriichi only rubbed his hand before giving a genuine hurt look at her.

"Don't touch me!," she hissed again thankfully not loud enough to wake his brother before pointing an accusing finger at him. "And don't give me that look either! After EVERYTHING you two had done! Do you really think you have the right to look at me with those eyes?!"

He opened his mouth-... before slowly closing it before just looking back down to his hands. No..No. He had no right to try to comfort her. Give her affection. Stare at her longingly. Wish for her to give him that same love his heart hit him with again and again. He wished it could've been so different but unfortunately fate wasn't so nice. 

"I lov-"

"Finish that sentence to me, and I'll NEVER say another word to you again! I will spend the rest of my imprisoned life in silence! You'll never have the satisfaction of my voice again!"

Plum red eyes widened at her in shock. "Y-You don't..mean that do you?"

"Have I ever bluffed before?"

No. No she has not.

She never did. Not in the heat of battle and never outside either.  His hands gripped each other tightly, wishing it was her hands he could hold instead but the glaring red eyes boring into him told him if he ever tried that, he might in fact lose those hands. Instead he just continued to gaze at the same eyes that bore into him with hatred with his own unrequited love.

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