Freeze Fast

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Ok, where do I begin. The Blizzard had calmed so we were going to head to Hackenbeck first and then head up to Ffarquhar, we asked Mrs. kyndley if she wanted to come with but she denied  and said she would stay in her house, I don't blame her though, I don't want to be out here either.

We  were entering Hackenbeck when we were suddenly swerved into the yard there, we applied the brakes and came to a stop, looking around we saw that the place was deserted with some bodies scattered across the area.

As soon as we saw them we knew this snow was something for more deadly, but before we could comprehend what to do we heard a whistle, a whistle we all knew and loved, it was Thomas' whistle, he began moving past Hackenbeck until he saw Percy and began to go faster, speaking of Percy he suddenly jerked forward and began to move faster.

Thomas suddenly ran away as Percy gave chase and began to pull forward breaking the coupling of the trucks and sped towards Thomas who was pulling his coaches, as soon as Clarabel saw Percy she slammed on her brakes which caused Thomas to start yell at her.

Clarabel quickly turned off her brakes and Thomas sped up, Percy began yelling to Thomas to slow down before diverting his attention to us and yelled for me to shovel coal, I listened and began shovelling more coal.

As we sped past Maithwaite Stephen realised how stupid we were being and applied the brakes which caused Percy to yell at him but Stephen resisted and began to reverse Percy back up the line to Mrs Kyndley's house with Percy yelling franticly.

When we got there Percy wouldn't speak to anyone except Mrs Kyndley, me and Stephen just ignored him and reversed up the line to Ffarquhar, once we got there we began to looking around to see if anyone was there

Before we could go into the station the blizzard began to pick up again so we reversed into the sheds and waited there for it to die down again, Percy just kept crying and refusing to speak to us so were at a lost for words and all we can do it wait.

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