S w e e t H e a r t

28 7 2

My love was like a
candy store,
Every flavor
yours to explore.


But you took a bite and left the rest,
Leaving me in this sugary mess.

But you took a bite and left the rest,Leaving me in this sugary mess

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I built you castles in the sky,
Now they crumble as
I cry.
You were my sunshine, warm and bright,
Now I'm lost in
endless night.


When you left,
my world shattered,
like a brittle cookie crumbling down.
Once so sweet,
now turned to sour,
hour after hour.

I poured my love
like honey,
warm and deep,
But you left me alone,
in the rain to weep.
My heart was a dessert,
rich and fine,
Now it's hardened
over time,
a twisted vine.



You were the frosting

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You were the frosting

on my cake,
But all you did
was take and take.

My heart's a lollipop left in the rain,
Melting away,
can't take this pain.

This is such a bittersweet experience, I can't believe
you did this.

I used to dream about
you every night,
now I have bad nightmares!


_. _. _.

I built you castles in the sky,
Now they crumble
as I cry.
You were my sunshine,
warm and bright,
Now I'm lost in
endless night.


When you left,
my world shattered,
like a brittle cookie crumbling down.
Once so sweet,
now turned to sour,
hour after hour.

I poured my
love like honey,
warm and deep,
But you left me alone,
in the rain to weep.
My heart was a dessert, rich and fine,
Now it's hardened
over time,
a twisted vine.



The storm clouds roll,
the skies grow dim,
Our love was fragile, built on whim.

Sweet to sour,
the taste of goodbye,
In this broken bakery, I'll learn to fly.

The storm clouds roll, the skies grow dim,Our love was fragile, built on whim

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The storm clouds roll, the skies grow dim,
Our love was fragile, built on whim.

Sweet to sour,
the taste of goodbye,
In ths broken bakery, I'll learn to fly.


 ~ M e m o r i e s ~ Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora