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All characters owned by RockStar Games.

For the fanfiction Arthur doesn't get sick. Sadie has been in the gang two years. Everything has started falling apart. Arthur wants out after he watched Hosea Die. John, Abigail and Jack are also ready to leave. Dutch has lost his ever loving mind.

Sadie took a breath, rifle in hand. " You sure about this?" She sighed. " Colm is dead-We both seen him swing Sadie, I just don't want you to -"  The man was reaching out like he wanted to touch the woman's arm. But he hesitated.

" Arthur, I'm fine. I'm sure about killing the last motherfucker left alive in that damn gang. Arthur, you know what they did to me, what they did to my Jakey." Sadie closed her eyes, flashes of her husband dancing in her mind. " We were married for three years before- Before they destroyed my life. Took my husband.... Made me watch- So yes I'm sure about driving a knife into that monsters skull!" Sadie snapped. Arthur sighed, crossing his arms.

" Sadie, all I'm trying to say is the leader is dead.... We have a real chance of getting away- You and me. John, Abigail and Jack left last night ..... I- Me and you are the only ones left that I care about ... Everyone else either died or won't think of leaving Dutch... But we got a chance to start over Sadie-."

" Arthur, me and you?" The pare had stopped walking now, standing in the middle of a clearing. They were close to the old farm house now, but Sadie had to hear him out. After all Arthur was the only living man Sadie trusted. He saved her two years ago. It took her time to grieve her husband. She lived with the gang and watched as everything slowly seemed to fall apart for the men. Sadie didn't like too many people in the gang, but she was sad when they lost Sean, Lenny and a few others. Arthur was the kindest man in the gang.. he never made her feel off like most of the others did. Arthur was always there to check on her, help her. She cared for him deeply, but could she be sexual with him? After all Jake was her only sexual partner, they knew each other five years, before being married for three.

" Sadie, I -Ive never been good at talk... Or feelings..... Or females.... Or-" Arthur was rubbing the back on his neck, eyes on the grass. Sadie crossed her arms, rifle resting on her back.  "Seems your not too good at anything Mr. Morgan. " She said with a snicker. Arthur was her only true friend. " Sadie, I-I respect you. I care for you. I need you-" Sadies eyes grew. "Look Arthur, I'm not sure I could-Id be able to be with another man. Jake was-." Arthur sighed, hands now resting at his sides. " Sadie, I know how hard it is for you. But even if it's not me- You need to move on. Jake would want you happy, want you healthy.Hed want you to live." The man said with a look. Sadie rolled her eyes.

" Arthur, it's only been- ." Arthur cleared his throat. He understood how terrible she must feel. She was a happily married woman, had a home and a life before she was out running with a bunch of outlaws. She was lost and broken without her husband, but Arthur wanted to help her, he wanted to love her. " See. I'm not good at these things. I just- Sadie, your the perfect woman in my eyes. Your head strong, the toughest woman I know, your beautiful and smart, you don't take shit from no one. Your so-." Sadie smirked. " Yea? So?" She questioned. Arthur was almost blushing.  "Go on." She encouraged with a small smile. " It's not like I'm gonna bit ya Cowboy!" She said with a smirk. He sighed, locking eyes with her.

"You're a very sexy woman Sadie." She'd never heard Arthur's voice seem so deep, so strong. "I could see us together. I could see you in my arms. I could see you in my bed."

Sadie gulped, eyes locked on her horse. "Sadie, I've fallen in love with you over the past few years we've known one another. I just can't take it any more." It was quiet now, other than the sounds of nature. Sadie was staring off into the distance. She was playing with her wedding ring and Arthur noticed. The outlaw sighed. " I'm sorry Sadie. I'm a fool for bringing it up-" Sadie slowly walked to Arthur, resting her hands on his shoulders. " Your not a fool Arthur, your a man. A good man, the only one I trust." Sadie was looking down, Arthur sighed with a spark of hope in his eyes. " Arthur, I'm not sure I could- I know Jake would want me to move on with my life- I will- as soon as I kill that last damn bastard. But I'm not sure I could move on and be happy in a relationship - I don't think I -." Arthur put two fingers under her chin and gently made her look at him. She got lost in the man's eyes. He took a chance and rubbed her cheek, she closed her eyes, trying to think. " You really want me?" She questioned softly after five minutes of silence. Arthur smirked. " More than anything Sadie." He whispered in a deep needy tone. "Hell Arthur!"

Sadie couldn't deny her feelings. She tried to hide them, block them all out, she shouldn't feel attraction to anyone but her husband. It felt wrong to feel the way she did for the outlaw. Truth be told shed fallen for the man a year ago, afraid to act on her feelings, because she felt she'd be betraying her murdered husband.

Arthur placed a strong hand on her hip and she treambled. She locked eyes with the man and let go.

Sadie smashed her lips into his, just trying to understand everything. Maybe Arthur was what she needed. Maybe he could help her finish healing. Arthur groaned, his other  hand  moving to rest on her lower back, pulling her closer to his body. Sadie melted into the man, his warmth, his strong arms wrapping around her, keeping her body close.

The kiss finished and Sadie smiled. " Help me finish this for Jake and maybe I could-I could try and move on." She muttered, eyes locked with his. " Anything for you." He whispered, taking a chance, he kissed her  again, softly, slowly one last time. It was everything he ever dreamed kissing her would feel like. " Sadie, I need you." He whispered against her lips. "Oh Arthur." She sighed. " Now?" She questioned, conflicted.

The man groaned. " N-No. I've wait this long Sadie, let's get thisast guy and maybe-" Sadie smiled, kissing him on the cheek. " Thank you Arthur." She whispered. Pulling him into a hug. Arthur smiled, resting his chin on the top of her head. " I'll always be here for you Sadie. As long as I breath." She gulped, body shaking. " Arthur?" He reluctantly let her out of the embrace. "How about we head out tonight, after everyone's gone to bed? It's a good days ride before we get to the assholes hide out." He smirked. " Alright. Sounds good." The pare shared one last kiss before walking back to camp. Acting like nothing had changed.

" I thought you said last guy!" Arthur snapped. " Looks like more than guy to me!" Sadie smirked at the man, they were hiding in the tree line, scoping out the area.  "Someone afraid?" Arthur scoffed. " You know I ain't afraid of nothing!" She giggled, looking back at the mess of armed men. " I said he was the last one who murdered my husband... Never said he wouldn't have friends along." She said with a shrug. Arthur sighed. " How you wanna do this?" He questioned, hand resting on her shoulder.

" I need in that house!" Arthur snickered.  "Okay." Was all Arthur said before taking off. Sadie smiled, touching her lips as she watched him walk off. She took a breath and started around the back. After she took care of this she could try and start over.

Arthur finished off the last two men and ran into the house to check on Sadie. " Sadie!"

Arthur watched Sadie ride away and headed for the spot they had agreed to make camp at the day before.

Maybe they could start over somewhere fresh. Together.

Next chapter will skip some time.

This was just getting everything worked out .

Sadie has avenged her husbands death.

Arthur isn't sick.

For once he could see a real future.

Based on the amazing game by RockStar.
Inspiration for fanfiction is shipping Sadie and Arthur. Wanting Arthur to have a happy ending and wanting to write my own Red Dead fanfiction. The videos are not mine. Lovely is a really cool edited and I also wrote the prologue to go with the video.

Hope you like this story guys.

Arthur and Sadie are going to start a new life together as bounty hunters.

And maybe ever start a relationship.

The Magnificent Duo. Arthur x SadieWhere stories live. Discover now