Prologue: Smells like Capitalism

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??: Oh you gotta be fuckin' kidding me.

This exasperated sounding individual had no reason to be so upset, with the ranking of 8th smartest being in the galaxy, he could have the situation at hand easily fixed.

He found himself in the middle of some sort of capital, surrounded by mystical sights, a dragon(?) ran past him, carrying a cart.

There were people with animalistic features who walked on by as if it were normal. To the individual, he's seen it all, so this too, was a normality to him.

???: And to think, Rick never had this problem before... maybe...

At least, that's what Subaru F. Smith thought until he looked at his busted up portal gun.

 Smith thought until he looked at his busted up portal gun

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Subaru: This... could take a while...

He placed his hand into his black and yellow labcoat, and as he predicted, the mini portal he attached to his right pocket was active.

Subaru: *sigh* I'm glad I can still grab my stuff back at the lab, but I seriously should've made this thing at least a little bigger.

He chuckled at the mental image of trying to crawl into his pocket portal to get home.

Subaru: No use crying over spilled portal juice I guess, time for some info gathering.


20 minutes later, Marketplace

It was a damn good thing Subaru always had an auto-translating scanner back at the lab, he almost walked right into a 'Demi-Human' only bar, which probably meant only for those with animalistic features, huh?

Shame, he could've used a drink.

He decidedly walked around the marketplace some more.

???: You there, boy.

Subaru's attention flipped to a strange green haired man chewing on a stick. He manned a simple looking apple stand.

Subaru: Y-Yes?

???: You from Vollachia? I ain't seen clothes as strange as yours around here.

Subaru: Oh, no. But you can definitely say I'm not from around here.

That, was quiet possible the worst thing to say to bussiness owner, because clueless foreigners means big KACHING! At least that's what Kadomon Risch thought at that very moment. Subaru realized too late what was going to happen.

Kadomon: Say, you look hungry.

He grinned, holding up an Apple.

Kadomon: I could give you a snack and some directions if you're needing any, for a fee of course.

Subaru: Ugh, look man I just need a place to stay and invent, I'm not hungry for an apple right now.

The big man in green froze.

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