Chapter 2: First Day Flavors

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Every Journey starts with a step.

That phrase was stuck in my mind next to Trish's broadcast still echoing inside, she didn't even said it. Tanya and I finally reached the main building of Sunrise High. The entrance hall was crowded but less overwhelming than the chaos outside. It was a vast, spacious room, with groups of students scattered about, chatting animatedly or hurrying to their destinations.

I felt a fresh wave of anxiety wash over my entire body one nerve at a time as we stepped inside. The ceiling stretched far high above as if people could fly and not make much of a problem, some of them did, that's so lazy they can walk. The walls were lined with banners and posters advertising various clubs and events. The energy in the main hall room was more than palpable, all adrenaline and excitement as everything around Sunrise High seemed to be.

Tanya, as always, took everything in stride even when she was still shocked. She walked with a casual confidence, her eyes scanning the room with curiosity. I, on the other hand, felt like shrinking into myself, wishing I could disappear into the background, be anyone else but me. At the far end of the hallway, two large bulletin boards drew the attention of a small crowd of students. We joined the throng of students, inching our way towards the boards. One of the boards displayed the student and class lists. I held my breath as I searched for our names, the tension almost unbearable. The names were sorted alphabetically by last name. I should be pretty close to the top, the F's. Im not Not in Class A: Not in Class B; Tanya is in C and... D, wait why am I not in the F? lower, lowe... Finally, I spotted me.

Class 1-D:

Medina, Lucia

Medina... that name... why? Why, why, why? Why would I have my mother's cursed last name placed on me? I get that Lucia Frank-Aster doesn't have such a nice ring to it, dad could've changed it to "Lucia Francesca" like he did in my old school goddammit. I kept reading names recognize none. Some of the names were stupid, but who am I to judge? Some names screamed generic and ugly. No single name screamed hot English boy of my dreams that I would change my last name for. Wait a second.

Class 1-C:

Dwight, Damien

Dwight, Tanya.

"Tanya, you're in class 1-C, and there's a boy with your last name" I said, pointing to her name. She shrugged, seemingly indifferent.

"And you?" she asked, leaning over to see where I was placed.

"I'm in class 1-D," I said, a sigh of relief escaping my lips.

Tanya raised an eyebrow. "Looks like we won't be in the same class after all. Lucky you."

I couldn't help but smile, feeling a small measure of comfort at the thought of not having to deal with Tanya during class. "Yeah, lucky me," I echoed, the weight of the world like atlas on my shoulders lifted just a bit. At least I wouldn't have to deal with her constant teasing during classes.

Tanya laughed, a light, carefree sound that seemed to cut through the tension. "Hey, maybe it's for the best. You can make some new friends without me cramping your style."

I rolled my eyes but couldn't suppress a smile. "We'll see about that."

We stepped back from the board, the crowd shifting to fill the space we left behind. I took a deep breath with a sigh. The first step was done. Now, I just had to survive the rest of the day, and I did not know where I had to go, at all. Tanya and I finally split up. I turned around for a second and she vanished into the crowd. It's not like I was tired of her for at least once but she had helped me navigate the place.

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