Chapter 1: Lucia Medina: Origins

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Life Update, Life got worse.

Weeks ago, life was ruined in a flash. I learned that my dad and I were moving to Coast Dawn City. Oh right? Thats was just the best clearly. Oh right, in case you are wondering, life started going down the drain a while back. Where to start? Well my own fucking mother sold me. That might be an over exxageration, sorry. But keeeping the long story short. Hi, Im Lucia and my family is totally normal, thankfully im an only daughter. Last year mom, well the female progenitor of my existence was happily married to my dad, and she cheated on him, right in front of me and begged me to not say anything. Im a person of few friends and she grabbed my friends' dad and got her paws all over that man. So naturally, divorces happen and more than a few things were said. That week, I stopped going to class I dont quite remember my last day. According to the extras, I mysteriously dropped out of school according to one of my classmates in a tweet. Seriously? "The weird friendless loser from my class vanished. She was kinda cute but a total nutjob. idk if i'll miss her"? really? fuck you, instantly blocked. Replies. Blocked. Silenced. Moving on.

There I learned a couple of things. One, relationships suck, two, my female progenitor is a charming devious bastard, and three, trust no one. Now I was out of the loop of what was going on exactly but Im not stupid but I had an idea. I didnt want to go with her. I wanted to stay with dad, thats the thing i remember. Then I learned that mother tried draining every cent of my father and I was being dragged away with my stupid female progenitor. Yeah, mom let me buy lots of trash in exchange for not complaining as we crashed at an hotel. Fucking Las Vegas Nevada. That woman was a mess, adult parties all ardoun where she vanished and even let me drink, vodka, i learned drinking sucks.

She got all drunk and shushed me as she took a victory lap, a long victory lap. Im not immune to anything, I had to play her game until i could see father again. I wasted so much of her money in room service and even got one of those Nintedo DS's with lots of games, a brand new phone. I felt like i ate more fast food, sweets and delights in those two week than in the last three years, all you can eat at night, every night. I could have gotten used to it.

One of the last nights I remember. I remember having the best meal ever, her home cooked stew, she called it "la matasquita" delightful spicy meat and potatoes with a side of rice. And I slept in, perhaps too well. That woman, my female progenitor, dragged me out of bed into the car and we went for a long ride, she was not talking. We were in the middle of nowhere at a highway. Until I saw dad's car approaching from the side and I saw him. Never seen him so broken. I could barely make out the words, my vision was blurry, now i know i was poisoned. I tried getting up. I was tied to the seat with the seatbelts. I screamed and banged the door my voice didnt come out. I didnt cry, of course I didnt, i wasnt? okay? The woman calmly walked out of the car, and pulled up her shades, at night. riveting. I could barely hear their conversation. I saw dad hand her an envelope, despairing. That vile thing I used to call mom, opened the door. She stroked my hair with her devilish claws her last words were "You have served your purpose my beautiful little angel" as she kissed my forehead, as if I was a baby "Good night kiddo" she touched my neck delicately and boom, blackout.

The next thing I remember dad and I were going on a good 'ol roadtrip, I was asleep in the back of the old red car. Everything still felt numb I could see and I wanted to say so many things but my voice wouldnt come out. Why did this happen? Why could'nt my family be normal like everyone elses'? Was this my fault? Most likely. Why did I have to be me? I wished to be anyone but me. Fast Forward, two weeks of roadtrip. Dad had a long speech trying to convince it was all his fault. I knew he meant well but I couldnt stop thinking about it.

That woman had fucking sold me like jewelry on ebay, because legally i was under her custody and she didnt even want me to begin with. What purpose was I supposed to fullfil? I can only imagine her, "Oh so, Im just gonna sell my own daughter to my ex husband who she shouldve rightfully stayed with" piece of shit! Sounds like im describing a melodrama but im not. And then she vanished out of the phase of the earth. Never to be seen again. Dad felt my mind was eating me alive, thankfully and well, he hit the road. Going everywhere, yeah living in a car sucked bu having so much fun helped me took my mind of things. I missed home. I even missed going to class and have a stable sense of whats normal around me. As for friends, well im not the social type. I tried messaging everyone everywhere. Not a single response. Again, I cant even trust those who i thought were friends, traitors. It was just me and dad on a roadtrip against the world.

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