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Naruto yawned, stretching his arms and extending his legs. The Hokage had called him up to his office at an ungodly time in the morning, and it certainly didn't help that he'd had a night out with all the other Konoha preliminary winners the night before.

He hadn't even had the opportunity to think about how he was to spend his month of training, or ask Kakashi for any help, and he was already having a meeting with the old man. He could only wonder for what reason.

He knocked the door quickly, and he got a muffled confirmation to enter. “Come in.”

Naruto obliged, and he opened the door with a long creak, squinting his eyes (despite the blindfold) due to the sharp change from the fluorescent lights in the corridor to the natural sunlight in the office. He frowned, instantly he could tell there weren't any ANBU hiding in the shadows like usual.

That meant this was serious, or confidential, or a mixture of the two.

In the office was his Gramps of course, and his appearance didn't change much from day-to-day. The typical Hokage cap with the typical Hokage gown and the typical Hokage office. No, Hiruzen wasn't what was interesting here.

There was another man in the room, and Naruto couldn't help but gape when he saw him. The man grinned, and Naruto's jaw dropped even more. Yep, it was definitely him.

“Good morning Nar-”

“Is that JIRAIYA?!” Naruto yelled, and Hiruzen covered his ears with his hands, the volume of Naruto's voice causing ringing in his ears. The man next to Hiruzen laughed.

He struck a pose, waving his shaggy white hair. “I see you have heard of me! Yes, it is I, the great sage Jiraiya! Lover of women, writer of poems, teacher of legen–”

“What the fuck are you doing here!?” Naruto interrupted, shouting. It wasn't that he wasn't starstruck to be next to such a legend of the village, but it still didn't make sense to him why they were even meeting.

“That's what I called you here for, Naruto. Have a seat.” The Hokage sighed, and Naruto quickly sat down, still staring at Jiraiya with wonder.

“As I'm sure you're aware, you have a month to train, and I'm sure you were looking to Kakashi to facilitate your training. Issue is, the Council of Konoha has declared that Kakashi is to focus all of his efforts on Sasuke as the last remaining Sharingan user we have available. That leaves yourself and Yuki in a disadvantageous situation, correct?” He began to explain and Naruto hesitantly nodded.

“To fix this, I have arranged teachers for yourself and Yuki. She has already been given her sensei, however you still require one.” Hiruzen laid out the problem. Jiraiya grinned.

“That's where I come in!” The Toad Sage laughed heartily. Naruto blinked.


Hiruzen nodded. “Jiraiya is correct. I have assigned Jiraiya to be your teacher, for several reasons.”

“What reasons could there possibly be to get one of the SANNIN to train me?!” Naruto gaped, he was well aware of Jiraiya's prominence and strength, and it simply didn't make sense to him why such a legendary shinobi would be called to be his babysitter for a month.

“There's many reasons. For a start, you unlocked your Limitless and Six Eyes much earlier than we expected.” Hiruzen began.

“So?” Naruto asked.

“So, you need training in them. I know you were given some scrolls, but you need an actual teacher. And lucky for you, I just so happened to train the last Limitless user, so I have more than a decent idea of what your abilities actually are.” Jiraiya grinned, and that managed to snap Naruto out of the starstruck and confused daze he was in into an even deeper confused daze.

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