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I kinda had a creepypasta dream last night. So there was this part of the dream where I was sitting at a table with some creepypastas(can't remember exactly who). But I was watching this video and I was acting like an NPC(lol)- Ben kept on tickling me and messing me up. That was it for that part -^- but there was this part in the dream where I was at my house(that didn't look like my house-) and Slenderman was outside in the backyard. He kept telling me to come out there and I did. I don't remember wha exactly happened but I do know that he was treating me in a nice, kind, and pretty much fatherly way. He didn't hurt me or anything. There was also this part where something broke and my little sister wanted to help. I was trying to show/teach her wha to do but she got mad, screamed on top of her fucking lungs, and ran to tell my dad(yep. She's bratty like that irl). I think I had the dream because I was thinking about doing the Slenderman summoning(I keep falling asleep-)and I was drawing him last night for an art project. But idk. I keep hearing a pitched/ringing in my ears, but sometimes I think it's my imagination. I might be sick because i keep feeling like I have to throw up and my stomach be KILLING me. But that's about it. Byebyeee

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