Fantasy vs Reality or A Morning in the Multiverse

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Bleary-eyed, she shuffled into the kitchen, opened the refrigerator and pulled out the tray of eggs. Without warning the eggs began...


...her head back he planted kisses along her neck and pulled her closer to his muscled chest. A longing stirred deep in her belly and her thighs. She heard herself...


...she watched helplessly as the tray of twelve eggs landed enmasse upside down, splattering their content across the kitchen floor. Not a single egg remained remotely intact. She could salvage nothing for breakfast...

...she signed...

...wanting nothing more she let herself succumb to the burning desire within her. She wrapped her arms and legs around him as he picked her up, pressing her body against him...


...wanting nothing more than to pretend this mess hadn't happened and crawl back into bed, she stared blankly for a moment at the mess before kneeling down with the compost bin and picking up the shells...

...wet and slick...

...and panting she wriggled trying to maneuver his hard member inside her, but he took his time, teasing her, stoking her, fanning the flames of passion. She caressed his back...

...with her hands...

...she scooped cold raw egg off the tiles until they were numb. After picking up as much as she could she took a dishcloth and began mopping the floor. She heard her husband...

...coming... now they catapulted over the precipice of ecstasy. She screamed. He groaned...

...his voice was gruff...

..."Why are you making so much noise so early in the morning?"...

...Exhausted, she chuckled to herself...

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