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Suyin had already bought her party clothes after going shopping with her cousins earlier. She doesn't know why, but Tanya seemed to be having an interest with Haneul, which caused Aisha and Suyin to tease her all day.

Haneul was her ex but that wasn't the only reason, he was mental. And Tany was all like, 'I can fix him.' The crazy obsession runs in the family.

Speaking of obsessions, Suyin remembered the time she was obsessed with Ri-an. Following him home, matching his schedule with hers and even waiting outside his compound to get a drive to school, saying it was Jae-I's orders.

Ah, the glory days.

Now Suyin stood in a special class with the scholarship students, reading a book while playing with one of Ha's hands as he watched the party video over and over.

Ha turned off the phone, sighing and thinking to himself, retracting his hand from Suyin's to fold on his chest.

"Why do you think they want us to come to Jae-I's farewell party?"

"I know, right? They never invite us to their parties. Why do they want us there?"

Everyone looked at Suyin who looked away. "Don't look at me."

"Do you think they're planning something? Like a big prank?"

"Well, now I'm scared to go."

"I know."

"I think....we face it." Ha stepped forward, pausing to gauge their reactions. "Are you just gonna avoid them till graduation? We need to fight back."

"Why are you all here?" The principal walked in. "Ms. Jung, you know scholarship students aren't allowed in Special Teaching Room A."

A scholarship boy explained taht they were waiting for their next class and the principal urged them to leave, giving Ha an evil eye.


Suyin stared in her full body mirror, looking at her hair and makeup.

"Aish, this girl." Tanya swat Suyin's hands from her face, checking the makeup. "Good. The makeup isn't damaged."

"'Bout to be damaged tonight by Ha~" Aisha stressed out the syllable.

"We still need to talk about that seven minutes in haven thing." Tanya slapped Suyin's hand urgently.

"We don't have time tho." Suyin looked at the time on her phone.

"Oh, alright." Aisha rolled her eyes. "You are going to tell us later."

"No." Suyin denied, pushing uo her glasses, now getting so used to them, she forgot it was ever there.


The venue had party lights up and shining all over, looking like a club than a normal getaway party. 'Put me in the Ring' was boosting the place up.

Suyin, Aisha and Tanya came out of the twins' Subaru like celebrities, shining with the glitter sprayed on their bodies, all matching their color of clothing.

The guard by the door grunted, seeming to ask for their invitations, Suyin held hers up while the twins showed their VIP tickets.

Turns out, the twins were to be the inside guards.

"Aight, see you later cuz." Tanya salut Suyin.

"Bye." Suyin smiled at them, waving before looking at the crowd of people. Some pointed at her for her appearance while others enjoyed themselves, Ye-ji especially.

Suyin felt a bit out of her element and went to the stairs that led to the second floor, finding it cozy because of its darkness and low volume. Then 'Dipping Easy' played.

"Fancy seeing you here." Ha sounded from behind her, wrapping his arms around her middle.

"Where did you-?" Suyin had half a mind to karate chop him.

"Just came." Ha's hand wandered her body, humming. "Nice choice of clothing you have on here. Like you're ready to risk it all."

"I'm not and thanks for recognizing my sense of fashion." Suyin fixed her glasses again.

"Come on, the principal's son is up there." Ha pointed to the stairs, looking back, his lips got caught between a soft pair. "Mmf-"

It was Suyin kissing him, he followed through before seeing Haneul some ways behind them like he was about to go over in their direction. Suyin had kissed him as a distraction.

After making sure he was gone, Suyin parted from the kiss and took in some deep breaths.

"You know, we can do this any time you want." Ha's eyes were still half lidded before he remembered, "Ah, the principal's son."

"Okay...let's go." Suyin patted her face lightly and followed him up the stairs. 'Even if it was waterproof makeup, I gotta be safe than sorry.'

Ha arrived first and placed a hand on his shoulder. 'Hit Em Real Hard' started playing, making Suyin bounced a bit to the beat on the other side of the little hacker.

"Didn't I tell you you were being too obvious, Class President?" Ha looked at him with a smug expression.

"And didn't we tell you to lay low?" Suyin played with her phone handle.

"You know, people are gonna come for you after they find out as easy as we did, Pres." Suyin jumped off of the computer table, going close to his face. "So lay low."

Ju-won felt the weight of her words that day coming down on his shoulders. From the corner of his eyes, he saw Ha pull out a fidget spinner.

"I found this while visiting In-han. It's yours, isn't it?" Ha looked for a reaction behind his lens. "I remember I saw it attached to your bag. But I wonder, how did it wind up at his gravesite? Why would you be visiting my brother? Were you friends with In-han? I was curious about that so I asked Tae-ho, and he said something kinda weird."

There was a recollection of the study hall where Ju-won was asking Tae-ho of In-han and Ha's similarity.

"So I asked Ms. Jung over here," Ha gestured to Suyin who leant on the railing, tormenting the guy. "And sent the message just to be sure." He watched for a reaction. "I was just waiting for your reaction. Jae-I said she was being blackmailed by an anonymous account. Suyin too, but she figured it out faster than I had. Is that you as well?" He quirked his brow.

"What do you want from me?" Ju-won felt angry at himself for getting caught not once but TWICE. "To know why I sent that to you? Or to know why I was blackmailing her?"

"Neither. I just wanna know what else you have."

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