Kappanelle pt.2

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Sorry guys, I had some internet issues, so I couldn't upload.

I hope you enjoy the chapter!


Kappanelle!? That's my mom! This is my mom's backstory", thought Steve astonished.

She continued. "Plan asked her if she wanted to go with us, but she didn't answer.

'She is very rare. It's the second time in the story of this shop that we have had a demon', the shopkeeper said.

'This demon is very special. Do you want to know why?', he asked, to what we both asked why.

'You see that she has silver hair? That's almost a corrupted', he pointed out.

We were very confused because we didn't know what a corrupted was, so he told us that corrupteds are demons that mutated due to strong emotions, and that that girl was a direct descendant of the first corrupted. The demon lord".

"Yooooo! I just received a huge load of lore", Steve thought astonished.

"Plan couldn't care less. He bought her, even at her huge price, because she was the only one that didn't reject the offer. The shopkeeper gave us two swords, because she used the two sword style.

At her first day with us she wasn't very talkative, having always a gloomy expression. She did what she was asked, but Plan always tried to talk to her, asking things like  where she was from or if she had a familly. She never answered.

Weeks passed like that. We explored dungeons, killed monsters, got stronger, and tried to talk to the two sworded demon."

In that moment, Steve's white soul got out of his body and got into her mind, leaving behind his body. Luckily, it seemed that his body didn't move, so she didn't notice.

"What the f just happened!?", Steve thought. He looked around, watching himself in a wooden house.

He looked at his hands and saw how they were translucent. "What? Did I die again?", he asked himself.

Then he saw a black haired man open the door of the room he was in.

"Hey Kap, do you wanna talk?", asked Plan, the tall black haired man.


"You still don't want to?", he asked


"Plan, stop trying. She won't answer", said Celta (the young version of the old woman). She had brown hair and brown eyes. She also had a sword in her belt.

"Well, whatever", replied Plan frustrated.

"Oooh! I'm in a flashback!", realized Steve, also assuming that they couldn't hear him.

"Where are we going today?", asked her already knowing that they will go either to a dungeon or to complete a mission.

"We are going shopping", he answered enthusiastically while grabbing his staff.

"I knew it... Wait what!?", she asked surprised.

"What I just said. There's a book that will be helpful", he replied opening the door.

Celta followed him waving at  Kappanelle who had been left behind.

Suddenly, when they were walking to the bookshop in the middle of a small village, "Hey, I still don't understand why we needed another party member", Celta pointed out.

Plan looked a little nervous when she said that. Then he blushed a little and said that they didn't.

"Why did we get a party member if we didn't need one?", Celta asked.

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