More than just a pretty face

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"Wheeeeew I can finally take a rest!" (Diving throwing herself into a big sofa)

"Where I shall put your bags princess?" (Paul asking politely)

"Just put it on the floor and Leo will further instruct you since you're working with me now, don't worry I will double how much you're making everyday as thief!"

"Thank you princess!"

"And from now on address me as madam or by my name especially when we are on public, Leo dress him like a royal assistant he will be my personal assistant and guide while we are here"

"Yes princess! You follow me"

"I hope princess the problem we had earlier is the first and last, i can't stand the pressure"

"Divine those small time crooks is nothing in comparison to the heavy crossfires I've encountered as a child"

"That's why you're calm even someone is pointing a knife at you"

"And besides I can take those men by myself even if Leo is not around! I trained under uncle Anur since I'm 5 yrs old"

"Wow you're not just a princess but a warrior princess!" (Divine admiring Crisminah after hearing what she's capable of)

"Take a rest after an hour we will go to the are expo"

"What about seeing captain Jovencio?"

"I will surprise him! I already sent invitation to his house for sure he will come since I put father's name as the one who invites him"

"Clever as always, should I prepare your casual princess attire for the event?"

"No I prefer blending in wearing normal mainland's woman clothes, I suggest you do it as well"

"Yes princess!"

At the back of the main house Crisminah is staying Leo is telling Paul what to do.

"How lucky you are princess did spare your life so don't mess up and I will instantly finish this second life of yours!"

"Understood boss!"

"First go to this address and find a man named Abduliyah, when you found him tell him I sent you and he will know what to do after. Go and be back right away we have an event to go when you're back"

Given his second life, Paul rushes to the address with enthusiasm!

"I will just play along with them after a day or two I can do my revenge!"
(Paul just going with them until he can set up his revenge)

Arriving at the address Paul right away looks for the man named Abduliyah! And since Torondo is a place familiar to him where most of the thieves does they're business on this place.

"Paul what makes you come here? Did your crew haul a big one today?" (One of the bystanders ask recognize and ask him)

"No I'm not here for that, I'm looking for someone and I know you knew him"

"It depends, I forgot a lot of things specially names!" (Making money symbol with his hand)

"Can this make you remember?" (Showing a thousand bill)

"Of course! Tell me what's the name you're looking?" (Grabs the thousand bill)

"He goes by name Abduliyah!"

"What! Forgot it here's your money!" (Exits the scene right away like a frightened child upon hearing the name)

"Useless shit! I will find Abduliyah on my own! (While shouting at the man)

Betrothed To A PrincessWhere stories live. Discover now