Yoona POV

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It was just another day at the station. One word, chaotic. People yelling, ajummas' complaining about the neighborhood kids and never ending reports. Yup, just your average day here. My name is Im Yoona. I'm a police officer at the Seoul Police Station, and have been working here for the past 3 years. "Officer Im, come here." That was the Cheif of police, Ji Jin Hee. "Yes sir." I said. "There will be a meeting in 10 minutes in the conference room." I don't know what this is about but I answered," Yes sir."

I wonder what the meeting is about. I tided up my desk, gathered my notebooks and went to the conference room. When I walked into the room I saw Seohyun reading over some notes. "Hey Seohyun!" I walked over to sit next to her. Seohyun is my best friend of 15 years. We both had decided to become police officers. Just then the Cheif walked in and went to the front. "Lets begin with the meeting."

"We will be introducing a new team that will be taking on special cases. Now I will tell everyone who the members will be. First off I will tell everyone who the leader will be. Detective Lee Seung Gi." Seung Gi stands up and bows. He is my sunbae from college. He helped me a lot when I first started working here. "Next I will introduce our 2nd in command Detective Park Yoochun." Yoochun stands up and bows. He seems pretty cold and harsh sometimes, but he is pretty cool once you get to know him." Now the rest of the crew. Officer Seo Joo Hyun an cf Officer Im Yoona." Both if us we're surprised, but we both stood up and bowed. "Now we are going to do something totally new and bring in 2 rookie officers. They just graduated from the Academy at the top of their class. Please welcome Officers Liu Amber and Jung Soo Jung. " They walked in kind of nervous. "Hello, I'm Liu Amber." She bows. "Hello, I'm Jung Soo Jung. " She bows. "Ms. Amber is a master in Taekwondo and exceeds in the combact area. Ms. Soo Jung exceeds in the computer analysis area. So please welcome them."

The 6 of us stayed behind to get to know each other. Seung Gi went first." Well as you guys know I'm Lee Seung Gi. I have been working here for 8 years and 2 of them as a Detective. I hope we all can get along together." He says with a smile." I'm Seo Joo Hyun, but you can call me Seohyun and I'm a profiler." " I'm Im Yoona, I'm also a profiler like Seohyun. Nice to meet you all." "I'm Liu Amber. " "I'm Jung Soo Jung or Krystal. Either is fine." "I'm Lee Seung Gi." The atmosphere here was a little awkward so Seung Gi decided to talk," Well our team won't officially start until Monday, so this weekend why don't we get some rest and get ready to comeback and start working as a team?" All of us stood up and said," Yes team leader!" And with that we we're dismissed.

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