Seung Gi POV

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After everyone went home after the meeting, I went by the Chiefs office. I knocked on the door. " Come in," the Cheif said. "Excuse me sir,  but I would like to speak with you." He gestured for me to sit down. "What do you want to talk about?" "Why did you make me the leader of the new team? Park Yoochun has more experience then I do." He looked at me and said," Because you have the qualities of being a leader. Unlike Yoochun, he has a bit of a temperas you know. So that's why I chose you to be the leader. Anymore questions?" "Yes, do we already have a case?" "Yes." He hands me a case file. "Read that by tomorrow and discuss it with the others on Monday." "Yes sir!" I got up and bowed and went home.

                  Yoona POV
Seohyun and I decided to go out to eat and drink some soju. "Ya Seohyun." I said while taking a bite of kimchi. "Ya yourself. Don't eat and talk at the same time. It's not attractive." She started laughing. "Oh whatever. Why do you think we we're picked to be on the team?" She thought about it and said," Maybe because we are unbelievably pretty?" "Heoul" I said.  "I'm only kidding. Probably because we are the best profilers at the station. Now you know that's true." Couldn't argue with that. Ever since we graduated from the academy, all the guys have been saying we we're the best at the station. "Well anyways I can't wait to start working with the rest of the team. I wonder what kind of case we will have." I said. "I personally want to work on a serial murder case." Seohun said. I was surprised to hear her say that. "Why?" "Just want to figure out how they are, how they became that way and how they think. I'm just curious is all." I didn't want to ask her anymore. Her experission said not to ask further. So we just drank some and stumbled all the way home, but while we we're going I felt that someone was following us.

                  Amber POV
"Hey Amber, I can't believe we are apart of a team on our first day of work." Krystal said. "Yeah I know right? It's crazy, but we need to do our beat so we won't cause any trouble for our sunbaes." Krystal and I both live in the same apartment. Krystal is usually always playing around on her computer. She's quite amazing and scary when she finds things out. "Hey!" Krystal throws a pillow at me. "Whats that for?" I threw the pillow back on the bed." We need to celebrate." She said with a grin. "Should we?" She just nodded and got excited just thinking about it. "How?" I asked. Knowing her she would drink all night. "Mmmm well I can cook our favorite foods and after that go karaoking." "Deal, but we are not going to be drinking all night." "Why not?" She made a pouty face. "Because when your hungover you sleep for a whole day, and your not going into work smelling of alcohol." "Yes mother." She stuck out her tongue. "Why you little.." I got up and started a pillow fight. After she cooked up our meal we went of the karaoke and sang our hearts out. After being there a few hours we got tired and went back home and slept.

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