Seung Gi POV

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I gathered the team together. "Krystal, have you fount Yoona's location yet?" "No, sir. Her phone is turned off." Krystal looked sad. "Make sure to keep checking just in case she turns it on, okay? For now, I need Seohyun and Amber to check out gangster hideouts around the Seoul area. Yoochun and I will talk to Kwang Soo. No one sleeps or eats until we find her, got it?" "Yes sir!" Yoochun walked over, put his hand on my shoulder and looked me in the eye. "Tell me honestly. Do you like Yoona?" I got surprised by his question. "Wh... What are you talking about?" I can feel my face heating up. "Look at that, you're blushing!" I pushed him away. "We don't have time for this. Let's go talk to Kwang Soo." I said as I walked towards the interrogation room. "Sure thing, lover boy!" I heard him snicker.

Minho POV
I was looking through Yoona's purse and fount her I.D. card. Under her picture was her name. Kim Yoon Ah. Huh? I could have swore Kwang Soo said her name was Im Yoona. Something's not right. I need to call him. I got my cellphone out and pressed number one. It rung 3 times. "Sir, I have something to ask you." "Go ahead." Said a voice on the other end. "Remember a few years ago when we were trying to get a document from Kim Sang-Joong, was his daughter's name Kim Yoona." "Yes, why do you ask?" I exhaled. "Sir, I fount her." I heard some fumbling through the phone. "What? You fount her?" "Yes sir. Right now she is in the warehouse with the other girls." "Bring her to me, immediately!" "Yes, sir." I hung up my phone. Finally we fount her. "Jonghyun, come with me. We got a job to do."

Yoona POV
"What do you mean by 'undercover'?" I asked. "I'm a secret agent. Remember, I got promoted and got sent to an intelligence agency. Now here I am undercover, but what are you doing here?" "Well I was working on a case. It just sort of happened." I tried to sit up but having your hands tied is an issue. "Uh Sunbae, do you mind?" I shook my hands. "Sure, hold on." "Thanks." I rubbed my wrists. I looked around the room. There were so many girls in here. "Who is she?" I pointed to the girl beside Taeyeon. "This is Tiffany. She came in a few hours again." Tiffany? Hmm, Tiffany.. Tiff. "Are you Tiffany Hwang?" Tiffany looked at me."Yes. Do you know me?" "My team and I have been looking for you. Guess I fount you." I smiled. Tiffany's face seemed to brighten up. "So is your team coming here?" Taeyeon asked. "I don't know. Me being here wasn't planned. So I don't know what's going on." Taeyeon was thinking. "Do you have your cellphone?" I checked. My heart jumped when I felt it in my pocket. I turned my back to the guard and took it out slowly. "I'm going to text my Team Leader. Oh great, I have no service. Well, since my phone is turned on, Krystal should be able to track it. Hopefully." If that plan doesn't work, Taeyeon told me about her plan. "Do you think that will work?" I asked. "Since you're here, I'm sure it will work." We were about to do our plan, when the doors opened. It was the guys who brought me in here earlier. They walked over towards us. "Don't put up a fight. Just come with us." They were talking to me. What now? Should we just do the plan now? I looked over at Taeyeon. She nodded her head. I stood up and started walking towards the door. I looked behind me and saw Taeyeon running and tackle the guy. I turned back around drop kicked the guy in front of me. I got back up and ran towards the guard. He stood up and pulled out his gun. I kicked it out of his hand. Knocked him out cold. I went to help Taeyeon with the other guy. They were still fighting when the guy threw her against they wall and crumbled to the floor. "Taeyeon!" I screamed. Before I could run towards her, I felt something against my head and a clicking noise. "I said no fighting. Jonghyun, tie her hands." He can over grabbed my hands and tied them. Pretty tight too. "Get up and walk out the door." I did as I was told. I looked back at Taeyeon. Tiffany was holding her, shaking her, trying to wake her up. "Keep moving. There's someone who wants to see you." What? This doesn't feel right. We went up two flight of stairs. We entered a room. It had two couch's on either side of a table, and there was a desk with one of those tall spinning chairs. "Long time no see." A voice said behind the chair. His voice sounded familiar. No it can't be. "Kim Yoona." He turned around and looked up at me. It was him. All the memories came flashing back. I got angry just by thinking of it. When I get angry I can't say anything and I will start to cry. I pulled myself together and only managed to say one thing. "I will get you for what you did, Jung Woong-In." He looked at me and started to laugh. "Calm down, Yoona. I only at to a you a question." He sat up in his chair and folded his hands. "Where are the documents that your father handed over?" "What documents?" I asked. "Boys, I think she needs something to jog her memory." The guys picked me up and drug me into another room. It was hidden behind his bookcase. When we got in there it was basically empty. Except for a tub of water in the middle of the room.

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