Seung Gi POV

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We went to look around the scene. There wasn't much to it. Just Ms. Hwang's purse and some tire tracks. Yoochun was looking through the purse. "Hey, Swung Gi, look at this." He hands me a card. It was from a staff member at KJK Entertainment. "Okay, call Krystal and ask her to check Ms. Hwang's phone call history." I said. "Alright." *ring* I looked at my phone and it's Krystal. "Never mind, Krystal is calling." I answer my phone. "Hello?" "Sir, we found out that Kwang Soo talked with the kidnappers. Yoona and Amber went to his house to question him again." "Okay, for now I need you to check Ms. Hwang's phone call history. She had a KJK Entertainment card in her purse. I'm thinking it's linked to the case." "I will get right on it, sir." *click* This case is a little weird. "Seung Gi, over here." Yoochun was waving me over. "This is the store owner of where the kidnappers van was sitting. He said he overheard some things they were saying." I walked over to the man. "Could you please tell me what you heard?" The man looked at me. "I didn't hear everything that they were saying." He took a breath. "The guy in the van had asked the man if the woman was coming and he said yes, around 10. The driver then said, don't worry about the police. Our people will be at your house when we.. and that's all I heard." Okay, there are two things I know for sure. One, Kwang Soo is working with the culprits. Two, Yoona and Amber are possible in danger. "Yochun, hurry and call Yoona. Tell them to wait for back up." "Right." He hurriedly called Yoona. I picked up my phone and called Krystal. "We need y'all to get to Kwang Soo's place now. I think they are in danger." "Okay we are on it. And sir, I found out who's number is on the card. Its Lee Kwang Soo's." I hung up the phone. They really are in trouble. "Ya, Swing Gi, Yoona isn't picking up." Seung Gi you are a babo. Why didn't you think about sending the other two. "Try calling Amber. We got to go, now!"

                  Amber POV
We had arrived at Kwang Soo's place. "Make sure you have your gun ready. You never know what might happen." Yoona said while making sure she had bullets. "Right." I checked mine also. Here we go. We walked up to his front door and knocked. "Who is it?" He asked. "Its Detective Im, we met the other day. We have some follow up questions regarding the recent kidnapping. May we come in?" He opened the door and let us in. I looked over and saw a black van going down the street. I got a bad feeling about this. "Would you like some tea?" Kwang Soo asked. "No thank you. We just need you to answer some questions." Yoona started to flip some through notes. "So, you witnessed Ms. Hwang getting kidnapped, right?" "Yes." "What were you doing before that incident happened?" "Um. I was getting stuff at a convenice store." "Do you know Ms. Hwang?" "No, what does that have to do with the case? Are you suspecting me?" "They are just questions, sir. Please just answer them." I heard a car door slam. "You don't mind if I walk around, do you?" I asked. "Go ahead." I was walking towards the kitchen when my phone rang. "Hello?" "Amber, where are you?" "Yoona and I are at Kwang Soo's place. Why?" "Kwang Soo is working with the culprit." Oh no. "Dang! I left Yoona in there with him." I ran towards the living room. "Yoona are you...." There was a man standing over Yoona. I tried pulling my gun out when a guy came up behind me and hit the back of my head.

              Kwang Soo POV
"What are we going to do with them, Minho?" He was picking up Yoona. "Well, we only need her. Leave him over there. Ya, Jonghyun, help me with her will you?" Jonghyun tied her hands and taped her mouth. "Carry her to the van and fast, before the police get here." Minho said. "Hurry up let's go ." We gathered our stuff up and was heading towards the van. I started to get into the van when Jonghyun pushed me out. "What are you doing?" I asked, confused. "Sorry Kwang Soo, since the police know your face and that your working with us we cant take a risk. Boss's orders. Jonghyun." Jonghyun pulled out a gun. I turned around and ran. *BANG* A bullet whistled right by my ear. I turned around and say the van shot out onto the street like a train. All of a sudden, cars came out of no where and surrounded me. *"Freeze! Put your hands up!" They all were shouting at me. I did what I was told. "You are under arrest." Detective Hyun said and placed handcuffs on me.

Authors note*
Hey guys! Thanks for reading so far:) I would really love some feed back on whether I need to change my writing technique or just keep it the same. I hope it's okay xD and sorry for the delay. I keep getting writers block but I thank y'all for waiting patiently:)

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