Yoona POV

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I chased after him to the docks. He turned onto one of them and came to a halt. "You have no where to run, Woong-In."I yelled. "You know, I wouldn't have thought you would have become a detective." "Why you would you think that?" What's he trying to do? "You seemed delicate and fragile back then." "Well you wrong about that. I became a cop to get revenge for my Appa. So why don't you just come with me. There's no where else to go." "Don't you want to know who shot your Father?'' What? Did he not shoot my Father? I lowered my gun.''What are you talking about? You shot my Father.'' He shook his head. ''No, there was someone else that is behind all of this that you don't know about.'' ''Who is it?'' ''If i tell you who it is, it wouldn't be so fun.'' ''Enough! I'm done playing your games. Tell me who shot my Father!'' ''Who else would it be. Sam....'' I didn't have time to think about what he had said when I heard a bullet whiz by my head. I saw Woong-In falling into the water. ''No!'' I ran towards the edge of the dock. He was gone. What am I to do now? ''Yoona-ah!'' I turned around to see the chief running towards me. ''Where's Woong-In?'' I pointed into the water. ''What do I do now?'' I asked him ''He knows who killed my Appa.'' I started to cry. He pulled me into a hug. ''Don't worry Yoona. We will find out sooner or later.'' ''Samchon.'' I believed in him. He was there for me ever since the incident had happened. ''We should go to the hospital. Back up will look for Woong-In.'' Oh right. ''Okay let's go.''

We had just arrived at the waiting room. ''Yoona!'' Seohyun screamed. ''Why aren't you getting your wounds checked?'' ''Oh, this is nothing. Yoochun just went into surgery.'' ''Did you catch Woong-In?'' ''No. someone had shot him and he had fell into the water.'' ''Who shot him?'' I looked at her. ''I have no clue. Everything just happened so fast I forgot to look at where the gun shot was fired.'' ''So what will you do now?'' ''Probably look for Woong-In's men who might know about.'' ''I will help you.'' She smiled. ''Thanks.''

We had waited for what seemed like hours. Finally, the doctors had come out. They talked to the chief. He walked back over to us. ''Is he okay?'' Krystal asked. The chief looked up at us. ''He will be okay. He just needs to rest for a few days.'' Everyone let out the breath in relief. ''When can we see him?'' Seung Gi asked. ''Once he wakes up we will be able to see him. I need to bring a few of y'all back to the scene and help look for the suspect.'' Amber, Krystal and Taeyeon went back with the Chief. I had to make Seohyun go get her wounds checked, which left me and Seung Gi alone in the waiting room. ''How are you feeling?'' Seung Gi asked. '' I'm doing okay. How about you?'' '' I will be once Yoochun wakes up.'' Things got a little awkward. What should we talk about? My heart started to race. ''Do you have a girlfriend?'' What did I just say? Oh my gosh what do I do? He must have seen me panic because he started to laugh. '' I don't have one.'' ''Why don't y'all just date?'' We looked at the person who said that. ''Yoochun, what are you doing out of bed?'' Seung Gi got up to put him back in bed. ''Are you feeling okay?'' I asked. ''Besides being shot, I'm great.'' He stifled a smile. ''Well you should get more sleep. You will be here for a few days.'' Seung Gi said. ''Oh, did y'all catch him?'' ''No. Not yet.'' Yoochun put his hand on mine. ''Don't worry, we will find him.'' He smiled then went back to sleep.

Jin Hee POV

''Okay everyone, make sure you find him no matter what. We will split up into 3 teams. Amber, take team 1. Krystal, take team 2. Taeyeon take team 3. Report if you find anything.'' ''Yes sir!'' They all ran off to search for Woong-In. I started walking to the boat houses. He might have hid in there. I have always thought boat houses were pretty creepy. I walked over to the boat to look inside it. I thought I heard something in the cabin of the boat. Slowly, I opened the door. The door suddenly swung open and someone tackles me. "Woong-In, its me." He stopped hitting and looked at me. "Sorry, sir." He got up and helped me up. "The plan worked out perfectly. Do you have the documents?" I asked him. He gave me a smile and handed me an envelope. "Finally, after so long. Its in my hands." I opened it to find blank pages. What!? She tricked us! "Why didn't you check its content!?" "I'm sorry sir. I made a mistake. Forgive me." Great. Another obstacle to go through. Why does this keep happening when I plan everything so well? "I must get those documents before anyone else does. Do you hear me?" "Yes sir!" "Now listen to me. There is a get away boat in the other boat house. Go and use it. I'm sure someone heard the ruckus. Balli!!" He rushed off into the other boat house. "I've found him! He is trying to get away in a boat." I yelled. Some teams nearby heard me and hurriedly ran towards me. "Where's he at?" Some of them yelled. "That way!" I pointed to the next boat house. They rushed off. "Chief! What happened?" I heard Krystal yell. "He jumped me than ran off. Hurry and go catch him" "Sir?" I looked up to see Amber. "You should go to the hospital, you don't look to good." "I will once we catch him."

Amber POV

"Get away boat... Get away... Balli.." Who is he talking to? I peered around the corner to see a man running off. The chief and... Woong-In!? Are they working together? Keep your cool Amber. I'll just tell Seung-gi later. The rest of the police came to the scene. "He ran away. Go after him." I walked towards the chief. "Sir?" He looked at me. "I think you should go to the hospital. You don't look so good." "I will once we catch him." He couldn't, right?

Yoona POV

"Have you heard anything from the others?" I asked Seung Gi. "Be patience. You asked that five minutes ago. Could be any minute and they'll be here." The door slide open. And in walks the team. "Wow. Seung Gi. You must be psychic." Yoochun said. I jumped up and ran towards them. "What happened? Did you catch him?" They weren't saying anything. "What's wrong?" "We lost him." Taeyeon said. They dropped their heads low. Amber looked at me. "Can I talk to you for a sec?" We walked outside the room into a corner. "What is it?" She looked nervous. "Uh so.. At the scene earlier, I over heard the chief talking." "And?" She started rubbing her hands together. "Its okay you can tell me." "Well he was talking to Woong-in."

The end........ For now.

Hey guys. Long time no see lol. Sorry I have been busy and just now got around to finish this. I will be making a part two for this but later on in the year. I have been writing another story and will start up loading soon.

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