Part 19. Crimson In Control.

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"Another vent. Great..." Phantom groaned as he crawled through the vent to make his way into The Hidden Market. "Cramped as it may be, you found a way in! So... that's all that matters, right?" Charlie smiled, trying to ease Phantom's temper. "lady. That doesn't change the fact I don't like it." Phantom sighed as he continued on.

"Yeah, that makes sense." Charlie realized. Phantom stopped and listened closely. He heard two voices from a hallway talking. "I hear someone. I'm going silent for second." Phantom said quietly. "Should I mute or something? I don't wanna bother..." Charlie asked. "Go ahead." Phantom agreed with her. Charlie clicked the mute button and looked away from the monitor as she heard the doors to the base open.

"Settling in ok, Princess?" Knight asked as he walked in out of the snow as the doors shut behind him. "Daniel, hey! Yeah, I'm ok here. Why'd you come here?" Charlie asked as she got up from the chair. "Well... because we need to talk." Knight answered as he pulled a chair out for him to sit while she sat back down as well. "Ok, so... what did you want to talk about?" Charlie asked. "Well..." Knight started, trying to think about how to say it. But he decided to just not hold back.

"I know about Seviathan." Knight told her. Charlie's eyes went wide, a shiver of nervousness ran down her spine. "Oh, you do?... what about him?" She asked with a nervous smile. "Charlie. I KNOW... about Seviathan." Knight repeated. "Oh. Did Phantom tell you guys?" Charlie asked. "He told me. And I told Star. That's the only people who know. I promise. We know about the family situation. And with Phantom seeing the other demons at the prison, and with him and his family showing up after the bombing, best guess he's not your attacker. So I'm just here to ask if there's anything we can do for you. Anything to make you feel more comfortable with him being around?" Knight explained to her.

"I... just... I really don't want him to be around me. He's just such-" "Egotistical, shit talking, dick head?" Knight interrupted. Charlie laughed. "Yeah. He's all that and more." Charlie said as her little smile lasted for a few more seconds. "So. How's he been with you?" Knight asked. "Oh, he's been good to me. But he... insists on working alone. I get wanting me to stay, per his orders, but... I told him he could work with Vaggie. Did something happen? Why's he... why is he like this?..." Charlie asked. "Well..." Knight said, thinking about what was buried just out behind the base. He stood up and took his helmet off and placed it on the table and brushed his blonde hair back with a sigh. "Come with me. There's something you may need to see..." Daniel told her.


"Who is this?..." Charlie asked as she and Daniel stood in the snow together in front of a hastily thrown together gravesite. "Sarah Quill. Code named Eclipse." Daniel explained while Charlie approached the grave slowly, examining every detail of it. "What were they?... were they?..." Charlie asked as she knelt down in front of grave. "Not technically. You see, they were strictly physical." Knight said. "Strictly physical? What does that mean, oh..." Charlie said as she realized what he meant. "What happened to her?" Charlie asked, turning to see Daniel's face. Daniel's blue eyes dropped. Like he didn't know what to say.

"Someone from Phantom's life has been hurting him. Been doing it for a long time. Ever since he started this... life. Tortures him. One day Phantom was distracted with a Light Core attack. When that happened, he just walked into the Tower... and dragged her out here. And then he killed her. Later Phantom found her in the snow..." Daniel said as his voice struggled to stay strong. "He blames himself..." Charlie thought to herself.

"Who did this?..." Charlie asked, standing up and walking to Daniel's side. "That... is classified..." Daniel told her. "Alright... I understand. But... why show me, or... tell me any of this?" Charlie asked. "Because. You opened up to him. And he will never open up to anyone. It's only fair." Daniel said. Charlie noticed Daniel's eyes. He seemed distracted, or unfocused. "Daniel, that's not it, is it?" Charlie asked him. "Yeah. Yeah, there's more I need to ask of you..." Daniel sighed. He sat down on a fallen log as Charlie sat by his side.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 02 ⏰

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