3 - Bachelor Party

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"Father...you can't be serious"

"Am I even laughing?!"

"But father...a beta?! How can a beta protect me?! Why not Porsche?!He's a national champion..."

"Kinn was against that name you suggested."


"It doesn't matter why. Be satisfied Korn agreed on this. You gonna marry one of his bodyguards for three months until his deal with the Italian Mob is done. That way Italian mob can't ask us to trade you in marriage."

"What about his sons?"

"They won't ask for my brother's sons. They know Korn won't trade them. They'll come after us. You don't want to get into an Alpha-Alpha marriage, do you?! You'd be in disadvantage."

"I'm dominant!"

"So what?!We're not main for them."

"Damn it."

"It's just for three months, Vegas. When we get a good offer, we just take it."

"Do I have a saying on this?!"

"No. Get a suit. You're getting married in a week."

"So, let me just sign it. Where's the marriage contract?!"

"You'll sign it at your wedding ceremony."

"W-what?! A Ceremony?! Can't I just sign a contract?"

"It must be believable. I'm sure they have someone spying on you."

"Damn... everyone will know that I married a bodyguard... most of all... a beta!"

"I'm betting on it."

"Humph! ...since I'll be stuck to a boring beta for three months, I want a bachelor party."


Pete's POV

"That's not going to happen."

"Tankhun, it's already decided."

"Pete is MY bodyguard! Not his!"

"You have Arm and Pol. This is only for three months. Dad already agreed. It's final."

Khun Noo pouts heavily while Master Kinn tries to please him with chocolate. He gets up from the couch and grabs my arm.

"Since Pete will live in hell for three months..."

"Hell... why hell?!" I look at Khun Kinn apprehensively. Have I agreed to live in hell?!

"... at least he should have a bachelor party." Khun Noo stated while I remain thinking deeply about the first piece of information.

"Maybe it's not a bad idea, Kinn. It'll give more credibility to this farce."

Porsche agrees with Tankhun. Since when Porsche calls Khun Kinn for his first name...no honorifics?! I should warn him.

"Okay, whatever you say, Porsche."

"I don't need a bachelor party, Khun Noo...this wedding for real." I trie to dissuade them from that idea. I'm not in the mood.

"Nonsense. If you're going to do it, do it right."

Voiceless as I am, it was decided by my bosses that I would have a bachelor party.


"Are you excited about your bachelor party, Pete?" Arm asks me as we enter a high-end nightclub chosen by Khun Noo.

VegasPete Omegaverse: Boring BetaWhere stories live. Discover now