Solid Ground

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Sukuna's grip on your hand is the only thing keeping you grounded as the world seems to spin out of control around you.
The ledge shudders and crumbles beneath your feet, the ground opening up in great rifts that swallow rocks and trees whole.

'We're not out of this yet, brat!' Sukuna bellows over the cacophony of rumbling earth and seething lava. 'Hold on to me!'

With a final, mighty heave, he propels you both forward, launching you into a leaping somersault across a yawning gap in the ledge.

Time seems to slow as you soar through the air, the molten pit below yawnning like the mouth of a hungry beast.

Sukuna's form appears beside you, an inky silhouette against the hellish orange glow of the chasm.
In that fleeting, endless moment, you glimpse his face, his eyes burning with a fierce, unyielding resolve even as the very foundations of the Shadowlands crumble around him.

Then you hit the ground in a rolling tangle of limbs, the impact jolting you hard enough to steal the breath from your lungs.

Sukuna's weight pins you beneath him, his chest heaving as he struggles to regain his footing on the treacherously uneven terrain.

'Up, brat!' he growls, his face a mask of gritty determination. 'We're not done yet!'

Dragging you to your feet, his strength seemingly bottomless as he battles to keep you upright.

As you stumble after Sukuna, the forest around you descends into utter bedlam.
Trees splinter and topple, their trunks cracking like brittle bone under the relentless assault of the Queen's dark power.

The ground heaves and buckles, sending you crashing to your knees time and again as you struggle to keep up with Sukuna's frantic pace.

'We're almost there, I can feel it!' he snarls, his voice raw with exertion as he hauls you up once more, his grip unyielding on your hand. 'Just a bit farther, hold on!'

A flicker of light appears on the horizon, a glimmer of hope in the midst of the apocalyptic chaos.
With renewed energy, Sukuna surges forward, his long strides eating up the remaining distance.

As you crest a rise, the light resolves into a narrow, shimmering portal, its edges pulsing with a soft, ethereal glow.
Without slowing, Sukuna drags you toward it, his momentum carrying you both through the threshold in a whirlwind of fabric and hair.

You tumble out the other side, gasping for breath as the cool, night air envelops you like a soothing balm.

Sukuna catches you against his chest, his arms wrapping tightly around you as he staggers to regain his balance.

'It's over,' he murmurs into your hair, his warm breath fanning across your skin.

As you stand there, wrapped in Sukuna's embrace, the remnants of the Shadowlands still swirling around you in a maelstrom of darkness and debris, you can feel the tension slowly draining from his body.

His hold on you softens, his arms loosening just enough to let you pull back and gaze up at his face.

In the pale moonlight, his features are etched with a mixture of exhaustion and relief, his eyes gleaming with a hint of the ancient, otherworldly power that lurks within.
But there's something more in his gaze now, a flicker of warmth, of gratitude, that you've never seen before.

'We did it, brat,' he says, his voice low and rough with emotion. 'We survived. You and I, against all odds... we defeated the Queen.'

He pauses, his eyes searching yours as if looking for something, or perhaps just savouring the moment.

'I know I've been a right pain in the arse throughout this whole mess, but... I'm glad you were here with me. You're tougher than you look, you know that?'
Sukuna's words are laced with a rough, genuine affection, a sentiment you can hardly believe he's expressing.

Sukuna's confession catches you off guard, leaving you breathless and marveling at the sincerity in his voice.
You can't quite wrap your mind around the concept of this gruff, formidable being, the King of Curses, acknowledging your worth and expressing gratitude.

Slowly, tentatively, you raise a hand to his cheek, your touch gentle and exploratory.

Sukuna's eyes flutter closed as he leans into your touch, a small, contented sound rumbling in his chest.

'Don't get the wrong idea, brat,' he murmurs, his voice a low, gravelly rumble against your palm. 'I'm not suddenly going soft on you. But... maybe there's more to us than just survival and duty. Maybe, just maybe, there's something worth exploring in this strange, unlikely connection we've formed.'

His words hang in the air between you, heavy with unspoken possibilities and the thrill of the unknown.

Sukuna's eyes open, his gaze locking with yours once more, filled with a deep, searching intensity that leaves you feeling exposed and electrified all at once.

'What do you say, brat? Are you up for a little more adventure... with me?'

sukuna x y/n: Saviour Of The ShadowsWhere stories live. Discover now