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I open my eyes and see an unfamiliar ceiling. The smell of a familiar Victoria's Secret perfume greets my nose and I blink. There is total silence except for the obvious hum of the air conditioning and slow breathing.

I sit up and find myself completely naked. I turn and see Kayla next to me on the other side of the bed. She's still asleep. Her hair all over her face and her make up albeit smashed is still on. I look around and see my clothes crumpled on the floor. Fuck.

Her wall clock tells me it's about lunchtime so I get up and start changing as quietly as I can. I try not to wake her up as I put my shoes on.

I gather my stuff and tiptoe all the way to the door. I step on an silver wrapper and I wince. I look back at Kayla as she moves her arm. I freeze. She turns away from me apparently still asleep. I say a mental I'm sorry and open the door. I take one last look at her and head out of the room.

I get out of the condo building and I'm greeted by intense heat and sunlight. I fish my phone out of my pocket and check. No calls and messages except one from Jomo. I open it and read :

"If you can't cum in her, cum on her" with a laughing emoji.

I put my phone back in my jeans pocket and hail an incoming cab. I get in, tell the driver where to go, and close my eyes. Now that my senses are coming around I start to feel the headache that would bother me till the night.

I get back at my house, take a shower and get back to bed. I scroll thru my phone and see that Joseph sent me a DM while I was still asleep.

"Dinner at my house at 7pm so you guys could meet the rest of the family"

"What should I bring?" I reply and close my eyes.

I wake up to my room extra dark and turned to check my phone. I see messages from Jomo and Joseph. I read Jomo's first and see that he was already on the way to pick me up. I read Joseph's and he said to just bring myself.

I hurriedly get out of bed and take a quick shower. I hear Jomo's car on the driveway as I was getting out of the bathroom. He calls and I tell him I'm almost done. He drops the call and I change. I gather my things and walk out the door.

I greet Sir Bobby and get inside the car.

"What took you so long.... Slut" Jomo demanded.

I laugh. Jomo laughs. We hug.

"I took an nap that unintentionally ended in a good sleep" I answered.

"So what happened.... Slut ?" Jomo asked.

"Her place."
"She smelled nice" I quip.

"And?" Jomo asks.

"Look, the last thing I remember was you dumping Patron on me and that's it." I tell him.

"I was probably wasted the whole time" I say as I rack my head for any memory of what happened. I wonder if being wasted is a valid excuse for a probably pathetic perfomance.

There was silence for a while. I think Jomo wanted more details but decided against it so he settled down.

"Did you use protection?" He asks.

"Yeah I think we did" I reply but I don't remember putting a condom on. Maybe she put it on me. Oh, fuck that. I didn't really care much at this point.

The ride to Joseph's house was not long and we eventually get there. One of their house attendants meets us at the door and lets us in. He announces that dinner will be in the garden. We walk to the side path and make our way to the back of the house.

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