Chapter three: The mess.

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The boy grinned at me, and said "Savannah. Long time no see, kid."

My jaw dropped. It was Derek.


That beautiful creature was Derek.

How was this possible?!

The last time i had seen Derek he was the definition of disgusting, he was a short sweaty, spotty and smelly teenager with a bad haircut.

But now? Now I was star struck in his presence.....whoa. I. Repeat. HOW WAS THIS POSSIBLE?!...Oh puberty. You have done well.

Derek looked at me strangely, "uh, kid? You're alive right?" as he waved his hands in front of my face. He sighed. "Stupid children." He shook his head.

I finally got back into my senses. "Children? Dude, I'm 6 months younger than you!" I exclaimed. "So stop treating me as if I'm five! ALSO! Stupid?! Excuse me?! I'm pretty certain my grades are so much better than yours, so think twice before calling me stupid. Kay?" I said, trying to put him in his place.

He chuckled. "Oh so it speaks?"he raised his eyebrows jokingly. "I remembered you to be the annoying empowering type that constantly feels the need to stand up for herself. i had to irritate you with the 'child' insults just to get a reaction from you, seeing as you began to day-dream on my doorstep." He grinned. I blushed, until i realised what he just said.

"It?! Annoying?! Excused me?!" I shrieked.

He grinned at me. "You're excused." He winked. That did it. I don't care how gorgeous this guy has become, he is now on my bad-list. "Looks like you're the same old irritating prick as five years ago!" I barged past him.

Derek turned around, and yelled "Correction; Irritating HOT prick." 'He grinned. Yeah he was truly right about that one.

"Go jump off a cliff!" I screamed back. He infuriates me already. Not many people have the power to do that.

"And hurt this pretty face of mine?" he gasped dramatically. "NEVER!" Yelled the self-obsessed jerk.

I stormed off to look for Annabelle.



This family barbecue thing was so lame. I mean, i missed these guys, but there were only annoying cousins, aunts and old people here.  Oh well. At least the food was good. This entire day, i kept getting texts from desperate girls from my old boarding school, telling me about how much they missed me and blahblahblah. The girls there were all to irritating. They'd constantly just throw themselves on me because I’m practically the best good looking guy in my grade. But they would be so easy. I mean hey, I'm a guy, of course I'd enjoy it right? But after a while i just got unbearable. They were all just the same, I mean I dated a couple of girls here and there, but never actually felt anything with them. It sounds cheesy, but yeah...

The doorbell rang, I sprinted to the doorstep, hoping someone interesting may have come to save me. I opened the door and saw perfection.  She was beautiful. Perfect dark red hair that i yearned to stroke, she has the perfect curvy tall figure, the type that belonged to a model. Along with that, she captured me with her beautiful large green eyes that stared back at me in shock.

That's when i realised who it was.

It was Savannah.

My baby sisters best friend Savannah. Wow. She's all grown up. And hot. I secretly had a crush on her as a kid, Annabelle knew about it, but I made her promise not to tell. I remember always picking on her when she was around, even sticking gum in her hair one time when she slept over. (It was how kids expressed their love back in the days) And here she was. 5 years later. Looking more stunning than ever.

Then i had to open my dumb mouth and said "Savannah. Long time no see, kid." Wow. stupid move Derek. Just stupid. She carried on standing there in shock. I felt awkward and when I'm awkward,i tend to be even stupider. I wasn't one to think about what to say before i say it, so i did my typical jerk thing and said "uhhh, kid? You're alive right?" as I waved my hands in front of her face. I sighed. "Stupid children." I shook my head. Oh god. I've done it now.

"Children? Dude, I'm 6 months younger than you!" She exclaimed. "So stop treating me as if I'm five! ALSO! I'm pretty certain my grades are so much better than yours, so think twice before calling me stupid. Kay?" She exclaimed. God, that girl could rant for the entire country.

Let's see if I could lighten up the situation.. I chuckled at her reaction. "Oh so it speaks?" I raised my eyebrows jokingly. "I remembered you to be the annoying empowering type that constantly feels the need to stand up for herself. i had to irritate you by the 'child' insults just to get a reaction from you, seeing as you began to day-dream on my doorstep." I grinned. Trying to show her that I remembered how she used to be like. Maybe she'd appreciate it? Oh god. I'm beginning to get very cheesy. Stop Derek! Stop! You're a man! Men don't get lovey dovey! But then she blushed. It was the cutest thing I'd ever seen.  Until her reaction completely changed.

"It?! Annoying?! Excused me?!" She shrieked. Oh shit, did I really say that to her?!

Note to self:

Think before speaking.

I grinned at her. "You're excused." I winked. Hm, I guess I forgot to think again.  Boy was I going to pay for this.

Note #2 to self:

Learn how to not be a dick.

Anger was building up inside her. I knew I set a nuclear reactor as her brows collided towards each other. She took a deep breath before yelling, "Looks like you're the same old irritating prick as five years ago!" She barged past me.

I turned around, and yelled "Correction; Irritating HOT prick." 'I grinned.

What? It’s true. I am hot. I've been told. Why deny it? If you've got it, flaunt it.

"Go jump off a cliff!" She screamed back.

Well that one hurt. I didn't know what to say, so I said the first thing that came to mind.

"And hurt this pretty face of mine?" I gasped dramatically. "NEVER!" I yelled.

Yep Derek. That's right. If she doesn't love you, love yourself. I told myself sarcastically. The truth was... I really wanted her to like me. I always have. I guess seeing her again, reactivated my feelings for her again.

"I wanted to make it up to her" I thought, as I walked into the kitchen. "I should speak to her". I spotted her and Annabelle on a table out in our yard with the rest of the family. I was just about to go over to them when my mum called after me.

"Derek dear! Could you help me carry these trays of sauce please?" She smiled at me. I nodded and carried over to the table where Savannah and Annabelle sat. I was about to put the tray down when Conner, my cousin who was Annabelle and Savannah's, threw a ball at me, causing me to buckle as the tray of sauce fell from my hands and.........poured all over Savannah.

Oh I've done it now.

She shrieked as she was completely covered in the green goo. I chuckled to myself "You just got slimed" I thought.  She spotted me laughing and grabbed me by the collar looking as if she was about to explode with anger.

"DOES THIS FUCKING LOOK FUNNY TO YOU?! I BET YOU DID THIS ON PURPOSE YOU ABSOLUTE JERK!" She pushed me back as her and Annabelle ran into the house, possibly to wash up and change. When she left, the entire family looked at me with amusement, as if they were to say "ha, you're dead now." I looked back at them all and said "........what? It was an accident okay!" And walked over to my cousins. I saw Conner who was smirking at me. I stormed over towards him.

"Jeez man. Thanks for ruining my chances." I said to him sarcastically.

"Oh its all good. She was too good for you anyway. Maybe I should go for her? She's pretty hot you know." He winked at me and patted me on my back.

Oh he said it. He said it. He said it.

Don't you worry Conner my friend.

Vengeance will be mine.

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