Chapter 2: Her nightmare

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Aira glanced over her shoulder as she walked down the dimly lit street, the silence felt eerie, like a breath held too long. She tried to focus on the sound of her shoes clicking against the pavement, but the feeling of being watched, of eyes tracking her every move, gnawed at the edges of her mind.

She made sure not to stay out in dark but today was a missed clock time and extra work her boss ended up giving her the responsibility of.

She had moved on, at least, she thought she had. But no matter how many steps she took forward, it felt as though someone was always there to drag her back, refusing to let go.

As Aira rounded the corner, she saw her car parked under a flickering streetlight. She quickened her pace, clutching her small bag tighter. There was a pepper spray in it.

She looked around, her eyes darting between the shadows, when she noticed a figure lurking at the edge of the alleyway near her car. But something felt off, her stalker is always in the shadows, he doesn't come out.

Except for in her bedroom or the one visit he had paid her to make himself crystal clear.

She would recognize that familiar, haunting presence anywhere.

The man seemed tall and broad-shouldered, his face apmsot visible becasue of the streetlight above them. He stepped forward, his posture predatory, and Aira's breath hitched.

It wasn't her stalker and that terrified her. More for him than herself.

"Hey there," the man said, his voice low and rough. "Where do you think you are going?"

Aira's pulse quickened, panic rising as she realized he had been following her. His intentions were clear in the way he blocked her path, a creepy smirk playing on his lips. She took a step back, her hand instinctively reaching for her phone, but he was faster. He lunged, grabbing her wrist and twisting it painfully.

"Let go of me!" she cried, struggling against his iron grip.

"No one is around to help you, sweetheart," he sneered, pulling her closer.

That wasn't true. She knew he was always there, in the shadows but he was there. He had been following her, watching her, and she knew there was no escape.

Another murder in cold blood because of her.

Before she could scream, a shadow moved behind the man - swift, silent, and deadly. Aira barely had time to register the presence before a loud gunshot rang in the air.

The man gasped, his grip loosening as his eyes widened in shock. He staggered, blood spilling from his mouth, before collapsing to the ground in a lifeless heap. Aira stumbled back, her heart hammering in her chest as she watched in horror.

Standing over the fallen man was another figure, tall and imposing, his face obscured by the darkness. But Aira didn't need to see him to know who it was. The air around him was suffocating, the aura of control and danger unmistakable.

She stared at the Man in front if her, taking a deep breath, trembling with a mix of panic and fear.

He stepped forward with the gun in his hand, his gaze fixed on her. His presence was overwhelming, like a storm bearing down on her. He tilted his head slightly, as if amused by her reaction.

But he didn't step in the light, Aira did. Took a step forward wanted to flash her phone on his face but she knew better than doing that.

"Go home." His voice was smooth, almost gentle, but the coldness in his eyes sent a shiver down her spine.

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