All Out Of Cool Whip

12 4 5

Julia Terrace

Middletown, Connecticut

Paige: *opens the fridge* No Cool Whip!

Me: You ran out?

Paige: Afraid so! I need it for the cherry pie I am gonna bake later!

Me: Wow!

Paige: Yup! Say, do you want to ride with me to the supermarket real quick, or do you want to stay here at my house, and guard the fort?

Me: I'll ride with you!

Paige: Cool! Come on! *grabs her car keys* Lock my door on your way out, please.

Me: *locks the front door as I leave Paige's house*

Paige: *unlocks the car door of her yellow 1982 Chevy Caprice Classic*

Me: *gets in, and buckles up*

Paige: *drives out of Julia Terrace, turns left onto Village Dr, turns right on Chauncey Rd, turns left onto Lee St, turns left onto Randolph Rd, and turns right onto Millbrook Rd*

This story was written on Thursday, August 15th, 2024.

A/N Paige ran out of Cool Whip! We're going to the supermarket to get some more! Don't be a silent reader. Please leave feedback. Thanks.

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