Chapter 12: Sick Game

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   Clara had learned very quickly it wasn't just Shota and Nemuri that had held her captive. It was all of her teachers! She had found out shortly after her encounter with Shota and Nemuri when the pro heroes had taken turns visiting her. It had been two days since her kidnapping and the heroes mostly left her alone to adjust to her new surroundings, besides having to change her clothes and diapers. Clara didn't want to think of how her teachers turned out to be crazy even though she had known them for years. They seemed so innocent. What happened? In reality they were so driven by their immense love for her, but she didn't understand that concept. For the past couple days she had kept herself busy, distracting herself by regressing and doing little space activities, like watching her favorite cartoon or coloring in the coloring book they gave her. Regressing helped her to cope with trauma and distracted her from the dark realities of the world, which she definitely needed to do right now given her situation. She was still in shock that her teachers had done this to her. All she wanted was for everything to go back to normal. To go back to her apartment, to go back to work despite how exhausted she was from it, to go back to becoming a hero with her teachers as if they weren't psychopaths. She just wanted everything to be reversed as if none of this ever happened. During the times that the heroes had to change her she refused to regress in front of them or even talk to them which deeply upset the heroes. They just wanted what was best for her, why couldn't she understand that?

    The heroes were gathered in Shota's living room, talking to each other as his orange Tabby cat Sushi wandered around the kitchen.

   "Having to be little forever sounds like paradise. I don't understand why she doesn't see that", Nemuri whined, looking down.

   "Why won't she look at us?", Hizashi muttered to himself.

   "She clearly thinks we're doing this to hurt her. We just need her to see we just want to take care of her and that we love her. Right, guys?", Taishiro added. "It was good we gave her some alone time, but now we need to show her that we care"

   The heroes nodded in agreement. They knew just what to do.

   Meanwhile Clara was in her nursery room laying on the floor in a green onesie with frogs on it sucking on her pacifier, coloring a picture of her favorite My Little Pony character Fluttershy. A subtle knock sounded from the door and she immediately stopped what she was doing, putting her crayons back in their box and closing the book. She sat up, taking the pacifier out of her mouth.

   "Can we come in?", Shota asked through the door. Who was 'we'? Clara didn't answer, begging them in her mind that they just go away so she could be alone. That was what she needed right now was to be by herself, to think of a plan to get out of this place. She loved her teachers but she wasn't sure how to feel now that they put her in this situation. The door slowly creaked open and Shota showed himself, with Nemuri close behind. They were in their civilian clothes, which actually looked nice on them. Shota was dressed in a gray T-shirt and black sweatpants while Nemuri wore an oversized gray shirt and black shorts, which surprised Clara since it wasn't as revealing as her hero uniform was.

   "Hi, pumpkin", Nemuri cooed. Clara crossed her arms and huffed, turning her head away from them. "Aw, come on, sweet pea. Don't be like that. Would you like to do something fun?"

    Clara didn't respond.

   "We know you can't stay like that forever. Come on, kitten. Do I need to punish you?", Shota asked. Nemuri put a hand up to stop him. With them Nemuri was the good cop and Shota was the bad cop in every situation, and Nemuri tried her best to calm him down.

   "Mommy promises Daddy won't do anything of the sort. We just need to make sure you're ok and really need you to talk", Nemuri approached Clara and knelt down in front of her and so did Shota. "Is someone cranky? Do you need another diaper change? Tell us what's wrong"

    A tear started to fall down her face and Clara couldn't stifle a sniffle.

   "Aw, Shota", Nemuri cooed sadly, "Our baby's sad"

   Just then another knock emitted from the open door and Shota and Nemuri turned to discover Hizashi was standing there, also in his civilian clothes.

   "Everything ok?", Hizashi asked, a hint of concern laced in his voice.

   "No", Shota responded, "Our little one's sad and won't tell us what's wrong"

   "Oh", Hizashi muttered sadly, then sighed.

   "Just-", Clara started but she had choked up on her tears.

   "Yes, what is it, little one?", Nemuri asked, leaning in expectantly. She turned to Shota and Hizashi. "She's going to talk!", she whispered excitedly.

   "Just stop", Clara muttered.

   "What was that, kitty?", Shota asked, leaning in to hear her better.

   "I don't get why you needed to kidnap me!", Clara raised her voice. "If you wanted to be my caregivers so bad you could've just had a discussion with me!", she sobbed. "I just don't want it to be like this! I wanna go home!", her voice's pitch had risen, almost as if she were involuntarily regressing right then and there. She couldn't help it or control it. She was just too emotional. Clara squeezed her eyes shut, wiping at her face.  Nemuri, Shota and Hizashi exchanged saddened glances and for just one moment they thought of releasing her. But they knew they couldn't.

    Nemuri put a hand on her shoulder. "The world is simply too dangerous for you and we need to take care of you, little one"

   "I was able to handle the world on my own before all this! You guys even saw how strong I was, you said it yourselves! What is going on here?!", Clara shouted, slapping her hand away. The rest of the heroes couldn't help but sneak a peek as to what was going on. They simply needed to know if everything was alright.

   "You're a little who's gone through way too much. It's time you took a break", Shota stated. Nemuri clapped her hands together.

   "I couldn't have said it better myself! Clara, we see that you've been very stressed and we just want to have you be little so you don't need to worry about adult responsibilities. Just leave that to us, ok? We just want to keep you safe, we promise", Nemuri told Clara. Clara sniffled, looking down and wiping her tears. She sighed in defeat. The sad part was that she was actually making sense of all that. Maybe she did need a break from it all.

   "Ok", was all she could say in her littlest voice.

   "Good!", Nemuri exclaimed. "Someone's cranky so we better put you down for a nap, then we'll give you snacks and let you do a craft or whatever you want to do. How's that sound?"

   Clara nodded. Shota had such a way with words that Clara was almost convinced he was right. Had the world been too dangerous for her? Could she no longer handle it now that she was more open about being a little? Or was this just part of their sick game?


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