Chapter 18: Another Attempt

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Days had passed and it had been the same old routine. Clara would wake up, her caregivers changed her, they did fun activities, and she went to bed. Nothing more to it than that. Clara had been wondering if anyone had tried contacting her since her sudden disappearance but there was no way she could've known since her phone had gone missing. One of the heroes must've confiscated it. She asked herself just how concerned her friends were. She missed her friends, she missed Tina.

"Say, 'ah', my darling!", Nemuri cooed as she hovered the spoon of baby food in front of Clara's face. Clara was dressed in a onesie and sat in her high chair with a bib tied around her neck. She looked down at the spoon sadly. She wanted so bad to be in Tina's arms, for Tina to rock her and tell her everything was ok and that no one would hurt her ever again. Despite having fun with her teachers while regressed, a moment of deep thinking helped her realize that she was being hurt by those she thought would protect her all over again. She tried convincing herself that this time was different, that they were just caring for her and that they knew best. But if they did wouldn't they let her be independent just as her friends did? She knew the heroes cared but she disciplined herself, consistently reminding herself that this was unhealthy, that they needed help. But what was considered healthy, she would keep asking herself. She was never introduced to a single healthy relationship in her life and wasn't sure what was right or wrong. On one hand she wanted to be taken care of by the ones she loved, but on the other she knew they shouldn't have kidnapped her against her will and not let her be independent. It just seemed like she could have only one extreme or the other, and not the best of both worlds. No wonder she had the all or nothing or black and white mindset. Nemuri let the spoon down slightly, scrunching her eyebrows and tilting her head in concern.

"What's wrong, my love? Not hungry?", she asked in a soothing voice. Clara shook her head and sniffled. She couldn't fight it. The dam had broken and tears flooded her face.

"I just want to go home. You didn't have to kidnap me", she sobbed, dropping her face into her hands. Nemuri rubbed her shoulder.

"Oh, no! But we had no other choice! No one would accept a teacher-student relationship and neither would you had we not been assertive about it!", Nemuri reassured her.

Assertive? This was being assertive?

"I...I would've been fine with it now that I've graduated if you guys had just talked to me", Clara cried. Nemuri crossed her legs and tucked her hands into her lap, awkwardly smiling at her remark.

"No, no, honey. You don't understand. Not everyone would be ok with it so we had to do it this way to keep it a secret", Nemuri told her. Rage filled Clara's veins. This wasn't normal thinking. How the hell did this make any sense to her?! How was this even logical?! No matter what Clara said she just didn't seem to get it.

"No, YOU don't understand!", Clara shouted, putting her head down on the high chair table. Nemuri tilted her head, furrowing her brows.

   "Oh, is my little baby cranky? Well, if you're hungry you need to eat. Are you tired? What do you need? Tell me", Nemuri cooed.

   "I wanna go home. I want to see my friends", Clara said, her voice muffled from her face being buried in her arms.

   "I can take you to the park", Nemuri suggested, "I just can't risk you telling everyone about this and ruining our fun", she said as she stroked Clara's hair. Clara sniffled as tears continued streaming down her face.

   "Just...leave me alone", Clara mumbled. She had no idea what to do or say at that point. She was simply shocked by how insane Nemuri and the heroes were. She never would have guessed they would've turned out to be this way.

   "Aww, does someone need a nap?", Nemuri cooed, seemingly disregarding her comment. Clara ignored her. Nemuri sighed, slumping her shoulders. "Well, can you at least eat some of your food so you don't go hungry?", she asked, picking up the small spoon and hovering it close to Clara. Clara sat up, sighing. She just wanted Nemuri to stop talking. She wanted to leave and get away from all this. Luckily for her, she already had an idea as to how she could.

   Clara was nervous. She wasn't sure whether she could go through the plan this time or if she would just fail like she did last time. Well, there wasn't any sense in not trying.
    She laid down on the center living room couch, trying her best to appear asleep as she cuddled up with her blanket and frog plushie. She gently sucked on the pacifier Rumi gave her and watched the front door carefully. Shota had been talking to Hizashi while preparing Clara a snack in the kitchen for when she'd "wake up" from her nap. Mirai, Enji, Keigo and Sekijiro were currently on patrol meanwhile Nemuri and Rumi were doing Clara's laundry.

   'At least they're doing something decent for me for once, I guess', Clara thought to herself. Hizashi and Shota were talking to each other about work at U.A. that needed to be done as well as what was left of Clara's training. She stared down at the floor in deep thought. It boggled her mind that they cared for her so much yet didn't want what was best for her at the same time. Maybe...she was wrong? She shook the thoughts out of her head.

   'No! I need to get back to what's important. Finish training, go to work, become a hero, be there for my friends...and Tina'.

   Clara heard two pairs of footsteps coming from the kitchen and heading down the hallway. It must've been Shota and Hizashi heading back to Shota's bedroom. Clara peeked out from the couch and saw that no one was in the kitchen. This was her chance and she was definitely going to take it! She quickly yet quietly threw the blanket off of her and tiptoed out the front door.


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