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THE WHISTLING of the wind coming from across the sanatorium called to Cassandra, a siren's song that piqued her curiosity; the large blown out hole in the wall beckoning her.

Mike was quick to follow, the awkwardness of their previous interaction overshadowed by the dangers that lurked around them, and his need to keep her safe. "Cassandra, what is it?"

"I don't know I just... I think there's something out there, don't you see it?" Her voice was quiet, the revolver cradled in her arms as she walked toward the hole in the wall, the crying wind and bitter snow.

Cassandra walked until the image became clear, her brows furrowed and her heart sunk as she realised what she was looking at; a makeshift cemetery. The crucifixes were jagged, uneven, but what made Cassandra's heart stop was the fact all the dates of death were the same.

"Holy hell..." Mike said quietly, he looked to Cassandra, who was standing in front of him. "We should get back inside, you're shivering."

Cassandra inhaled sharply, Mike startling her. "I am?" She turned to see him waiting for her, stepping aside so she could walk ahead of him.

The two walked back into the confines of the sanatorium, Cassandra's eyes roamed their surroundings until they landed on a plank of wood with cloth wrapped around it. "Remember what Emily said?" She walked toward the item before Mike could respond. "They don't like fire."

Mike raised his brows and quickly walked to catch up with her, now holding the item, Cassandra noticed it had recently been soaked in something - alcohol - and she slumped slightly at the thought of the deceased stranger.

"Here." Mike reached into the pocket of his jacket, and pulled out a zippo lighter, it too no doubt belonging to the stranger. Instantly, the plank of wood lit up with orange flames and Cassandra stretched her arm out, shrieking at the strength of the fire hitting her face.

"Woah woah, it's okay, I've got it." Mike leaned over the girl's shoulder, arm stretched out to grab the torch from her. At once, she was hit with the smell of Mike, which, all things considered wasn't that bad. He smelt of fire and metal, with the faintest hint of pine — his faded cologne. Cassandra blushed, feeling foolish that she was growing flustered. His fingers brushed against hers as he took the torch, it immediately being raised above her as he gripped it firmly. "There's a locked door over there, we should head that way."

It was Mike's turn to walk ahead, leaving Cassandra a few steps behind to collect her thoughts; on reflex, she put her hands over her ears as she watched him raise the double barrelled shotgun. Cassandra bit back a yelp as the blast ricocheted through the building, the sound louder and more intense than the revolver had been.

As Mike kicked the door open he barked out a laugh of surprise, Cassandra furrowed her brows, and hurried her steps towards him.

The girl beamed seeing the wolf from only hours ago, it stretched languidly before trotting past Mike and next to Cassandra, much to Mike's dismay. "Oh I see how it is." He said playfully, looking back to the two.

"Wow, hey buddy." Cassandra smiled down at the wolf, her hand roaming the side of its neck, scratching it with care. "I was wondering if you'd be here still, you gonna come with us?" The wolf leaned into her hand, giving Cassandra no other choice than to assume yes.

The wolf shook its body and turned, walking so he was ahead of them now instead. Mike waited until Cassandra was standing beside him, he glanced at her then looked down to the wolf. "We're heading to the psychiatric wing that'll lead us to the mines, you heard of it?"

The wolf stared up at the two before it started to walk.

Mike clicked his tongue. "Atta boy." He looked over to Cassandra and raised his brows slightly, his head tilted. "You ready?"

The girl blew out a sharp breath, her grip vice-tight on the revolver, her eyes flickered to Mike's and she wanted to smile, wanted to appear brave. It was her idea to get Josh back after all, yet here she was, completely terrified of taking another step further. She swallowed thickly and looked back over to the wolf waiting patiently for the pair to start moving, its tail swaying side to side.

Finally, the girl looked to Mike again, who was still watching her carefully. "Yeah," She practically squeaked out. "I'm ready, let's go find Josh."  She straightened her back and nodded.

"Well alright then, stay close to me."

The wolf ran ahead, eager to get its paws out of the snow, Cassandra twitched her toes against her boots as she walked through the makeshift archway that lead to the next wing of the sanatorium; she wondered what the place had looked like at its busiest, but it made her skin crawl at the thought of how the patients had likely been treated. 

As the two reached the open doors to the next building, Wolfie barked into the open area, snarling at seemingly nothing. Cassandra felt her heart stop and a hand firm on her shoulder. Looking up, Mike was staring straight ahead, seemingly trying to locate whatever it was the wolf had spotted, his hand on her shoulder a reflex.

Once more Cassandra's cheeks flushed and she scolded herself internally. She needed to focus.

"It's okay Wolfie," Mike suddenly said, breaking Cassandra out of her thoughts. "it's just an incredibly creepy old building..." Mike stepped forward, as his hand left Cassandra's shoulder she immediately missed the warmth it'd provided. The comfort.

Cassandra walked as forward as she could go before she was met with a fence, the building looked like it was decaying, strands of moonlight shone through various holes and slats in the roof, snow managing to sneak its way inside, coating the ground with a layer of white.

The dripping of water echoed around them and the girl stepped back towards Mike, her brows furrowed no longer seeing the wolf.

"Quick little bastard ran ahead." Mike said lightly, gesturing with his head towards where the wolf now stood waiting.

"Oh," She said softly, suddenly a loose brick in the building's roof came crashing down, landing thunderously only metres away from the pair. Cassandra shrieked and turned quickly, too quickly; she lost her balance and began to fall backwards, bracing for a wall, she shut her eyes tightly. Yet she never hit the ground. 

In her right ear she heard Mike's panicked breaths, with his free hand he had grabbed her and pulled her against his chest to keep her up right, he raised the torch in the direction of the noise where the smashed brick lay in pieces.

"It's okay..." Mike breathed out, still panicked. "I've got you, I've always got you."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 26 ⏰

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