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As days go by, people come and people go,
Kacchan has been waiting for his boyfriend text.
Even just a simple word like "Hi" or "Hello".
Everyday at school he noticed Deku not being at school.

On a random day, Kacchan went to Inko Midoriya place, just to check up on Deku.
He greeted her, and gave her a hug.
Inko greeted him in and had some sort of confusion on her face.
"Izuku is in his room." Inko said while pointing
"Please don't say anything bad towards him, he hasn't been feeling too well."
Bakugou nodded and walked towards his room.
Izuku was lying down on his bed staring at the ceiling.
"Why are you here Bakugou" Izuku softly said as he slowly turned his head to the side to look at Bakugou.
Bakugou sees no light shining in Izuku eyes, just a round green void full of emptiness and despair.

Bakugou just stared and just quickly looked away
and looked quickly asked a question
"Why haven't you been to school these past days huh?" said Bakugou
"You just abandoned everyone."

Izuku eyes sharpened and his whole mood changed, it seemed like Bakugou triggered him.
"What do you mean I abandoned everyone?" Izuku said in a soft yet aggressive tone
"Don't you guys just laugh at me each time you see me?"
"You're the cause of the problem, Bakugou."
                      "It's always been you"
Izuku looked tired with life, he couldn't help but spill his feelings out.
He smiled and quickly turned his smile upside down.
"Guess you know now."
Bakugou couldn't speak, his voice felt choked up, like something was holding him back from speaking. No matter what Bakugou would've said or done, it will never make any changes.
"I-.." Bakugou couldn't speak still. He couldn't even look at Izuku. He wanted to say something so badly.

"Just get out" Izuku said calmly, he had a poker face and you couldn't see no emotions from him.

Bakugou slowly reached out for his hand while shaking.
Izuku moved his hand away while looking upset and annoyed.
"You need to get out of my room." Izuku said in a more aggressive tone.
"D..Izuku.. I-.." Bakugou said like he wanted to say something so badly.

Izuku knew what he was going to say and said,
"I have a boyfriend already, NOW LEAVE OR I'LL CALL SOMEONE TO TAKE YOU. JUST LEAVE KACCHAN PLEASE"  Izuku was already tired of this. He couldn't help but show pure hatred towards Bakugou.
It appeared they were switching up as one another.

"You know what Deku. I never liked you anyways. You're just a quirkless nobody who doesn't deserve to live. You're taking everyone precious time and oxygen. You'll never become a pro hero, and you never will be. Not even All might would want you as a side kick. Not even I do." Bakugou said in a soft tone.
He left the building and walked away like nothing happened.

Izuku just stared down
Izuku couldn't help but feel happy
He was happy that he took on Bakugou
Izuku was glad that Bakugou left him alone.
Izuku went to text his boyfriend
#1Allmightfan: Hey, I'm so sorry I haven't been texting you. I'm truly sorry for it. I still love you I swear. I just had to deal with a few things but I will forever love you. My one and only
Izuku sent it and yet... No response
Izuku waited patiently for seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks, months.
Bakugou would check up on Izuku every now and then but it still isn't the same.
Bakugou looks from a far.
Izuku still waiting on his online lover,
Izuku can't help but feel sadness while waiting.
He wish he didn't wait to text back.
He misses his boyfriend
He misses Bakugou.

Thank you so much for liking this!!
I have never done this before so this is something so very new ❤️
Thank you everyone, I swear I'll never forget you.
Xoxo ❤️

[Die is typing...]
[Die is typing..]
[Die is typing.]

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 19 ⏰

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