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County of Heaven "Order of the Sacred Inquisition (Castissimam Vitam Conlatum)": Protectors of the Ancient Religion. They profess peace at any cost. In the past, they held dominant power over the other Counties and cities, regularly launching crusades against supposed breaches of peace, such as attempts at an arms race. As alliance makers, they accredited or dissolved the political threads of the Plane Sphere; without their approval, the other Counties lacked acceptance. Once considered the most brutal and feared County, they reformed two generations ago with the rise of the Uldrich family, adopting a more passive role and dissolving the Spearhead Treaty with the Defense County, allowing the use of the Hyper Highway for trade among the other counties. The current ruler is Count Roman, along with his wife, Countess Rogan. The heiress is Quinta Uldrich.

Notes by Flora from the book "Contemporary History of the Great Counties."

"I can't see, I can't see, damn it! Remember... remember... what was the last thing that happened... The sound of the window shattering... Light, white, intense, deafening noise. Screams as the ringing in my ears fades. Ha! A flashbang, but why? I'm regaining my vision. A black spot, a tube, the tip of a tube, a weapon? And the hand holding the weapon, a uniform I don't recognize. La Rue, maybe? So far from home?" Max slowly gets up from the ground, followed at all times by a weapon aimed at him.

"Everyone, down on the ground, now!" ordered the one leading a troop of three soldiers, all armed and only identified by their uniform jackets. The apparent leader, too young to wield authority, seemed only a few years older than the students she was subduing. Her black curly hair made her look more like someone from South of the Valley than from La Rue.

Max, still disoriented, was the last to obey the order, more out of confusion than rebellion.

"Everyone, hands on your head, move, quickly, now!"

No one had time to recover; only Makia managed to grab his bag amidst the chaos. The group was escorted out, two guards at the rear, one of them wearing a strange mask with air filters, and at the front, the trio's leader, leading the march toward the exterior of the building.

Everyone was terrified; Flora could barely move from fear. Only knowing she wasn't alone gave her enough peace to avoid panicking. "How selfish... I know my fate is now tied to the others; whatever happens to me, I won't suffer alone..." This thought allowed her to distract herself during the walk.

The group was the last to arrive. The entire institute was on the second floor of the old library. The three kidnappers who escorted them joined a group of soldiers in the middle of the room. In total, there were about 30, armed with rifles, relics of the Ancient Wars, and at least 5 carried double-edged swords, indicating some higher rank.

"Everyone, sit down!" ordered the young leader to the newly arrived group, without turning to look, as she greeted her comrades who stood up upon seeing her.

"She's the leader of the whole squadron, damn bitch..." Isaiah guessed, watching the scene while sitting down with his friends.

"I am Anastasia Lars," the leader exclaimed, standing on the only table left in the center of the room, "leader of the mercenary squadron 'B-56,' serving the army of La Rue. You will be under my protection while we await further orders from the central army. Please, I ask you to remain calm. Everything will be over faster than you think."

"Clever, she uses the word 'protection' to give us a sense of security," Max thought, comforting Flora with a hug and a smile.

A murmur took over the atmosphere as Anastasia stepped down from the table, ending her speech.

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