Chapter One

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A/N Let me know if you don't understand something or if I have errors! Thanks and hope you like this!


(Two years back)

"Oh god" may gasped.

"Mel!?" Phil asked worriedly. "What happened? Is it..."

"Yes" May exclaimed on the verge of tears. "It is Phil"

"Wow" Phil took a step back and sat on the bed. "This is wonderful!" Phil started to get excited, "Mel, this could mean-"

"Phil... I don't know" she said lowering her head.

"What do you mean?" He asked with a soft loving voice.

May stepped out of the bathroom and sat on the bed next to Phil. "Listen Phil, I love you so much but I don't know how ready I am to do this." May explained

"Oh" Phil sighed.

"Listen Phil, I love you and I really want to do this with you-"

"I don't want to force you to do anything you don't want to but I would love to take this step with you." Phil gave May a kiss on the top of her head and wrapped her in a tight hug.

"Just after Bahrain-" may started

"Melinda May Coulson! Bahrain doesn't define you, it was the hard call you had to make, one life for the lives of many. It doesn't define you." Phil said.

May hesitated "I know" she took a breath. "Okay," she started to let tears fall down her face. "We're having a baby" she hugged Phil.

"We're having a baby!" he repeated. And they hugged tightly letting each other cry tears of joy.

(Present Day) (Season 2/3)

Crying could be heard from little girls room. "Argh, she's always crying!" Daisy complained from her room. "Not going back to bed now" Daisy rolled out of bed and walked to her little sisters room. She picked up the almost two year old girl and rocked her back and fourth. "Come on Sofi," she sighed. Daisy sat in the rocking chair until Sofi settled down and fell asleep, but by that time Daisy was out too.


"Morning Daisy!" Phil beamed. "Come on get up, it's 9 o' clock"

Daisy stirred. "Dad?" She grumbled. She opened her eyes and looked at her lap, looking to see her sweet little sister sitting on her lap sleeping. "Where's Sofi?! She and I fell asleep and she was on my lap" Daisy ruffled her hair with her hands in fists.

"Relax hon, she's in her crib" Phil spoke softly.

Daisy ran to her crib and put her hands on the side closest to her. Her knuckles turned white from gripping to hard. "Oh" she sighed, and plopped down on her bed.

"Change and come down, we have to go the HQ, there's a problem with Eli Morrow"

"Fine" Daisy sighed as Phil walked out of Sofi's room and went down the stairs to the kitchen.

"She finally wake up?" May asked as Phil walked down the stairs to join her in the kitchen.

"Finally" Phil scoffed. He stepped behind her massaging her shoulders, "What are you making Mel?"

"Pancakes" She said as she flipped one up just as Phil had taught her.

Phil smiled and stood next to May putting butter on the pancakes she had just made. " you got so much better at cooking since I married you." He smirked.

May scoffed, "Sure" she said, slowly dragging the word out to make it sarcastic. She turned the stove off and turned towards Phil. "How's Sofi?" She asked gently.

"Sleeping" Phil responded, "You know... both girls are upstairs" he smirked.

"Oh Phil!" May said playfully slapping him on his cheek. "Grow up" she laughed, "I mean I know you can't wait to get your hands all over me but Grow Up" she laughed.

Phil looked at her slightly taken aback. "Excuse Me?! I am a-" he started to say but stopped because he started laughing.

May just shook her head left and right chuckling then lifted up to her tip toes and turned her head slightly so her lips could catch his. He hugged her close and she put one arm on his chest and leaned into the kiss just as Phil had done.

"Eww" Daisy laughed as she hopped down the stairs carrying Sofi and snapped a picture.

May and Phil pulled apart, shared a look then went back to what they were doing. "A picture really?" May asked nodding her head in disapproval.

"What's it for" Phil asked. "We are your parents so..."

"Ahh, technically you adopted me after I killed my real parents so..." Daisy said with so much sass it made May and Coulson scold her. Daisy sat at the table as May slid her a plate with pancakes and Phil picked Sofi up and put her in her baby chair and started to feed her.

"I got it, go eat" May said to Phil taking over the job of feeding Sofi.

*** (at HQ)

The Coulsons walked through the hanger door to the lab. "Hello Daisy, May, Director." Jemma said pleasantly.

"Hey what's going on with Eli?" Daisy asked.

"I really don't know. Fitz is working on it." Jemma said.

"We are heading to my office then we will head to the briefing section to brief everyone" Phil said gesturing to himself and may.

"Great" Daisy said and walked to Fitz with Simmons.

May and Phil walked to Phil's office in silence nodding to the agents they passed. When they got to Phil's office May set Sofi down in the crib placed at the corner of the room. "Have you ever thought about a vacation?" Phil asked.

"What do you mean?" May replied

"Taking some time off, we could leave Sofi with Daisy, after all they are sisters and take a nice relaxing vacation to a beach, just me and you."

"Sure! Why not?" May exclaimed.

"Perfect because we are leaving in tomorrow night to head to Hawaii!" Phil puffed proudly.

"Nice" May smiled. "Let's go brief everyone, then we can get Daisy to look after Sofi the time we are gone, then-"

"Already Done" Coulson smiled at his wife.

"Ok, slick" she said as she thought, "then after we brief everyone we can leave Mack in charge, head home and pack then show up tomorrow morning tell everyone we have to go then head off to vacation."May devised a plan.

"Okay" Phil said sexily, dragging it out.

May scoffed then pushed him onto the wall and started kissing him passionately on the lips to Phil's suprise. The kiss could be described as needy or rough but it was more happy and exciting to the Coulsons eyes, or rather lips.

Mack walked in the room to ask the Director when they were getting briefed, laid one eye on what was happening in there and stepped right back out as if he was never in there. He passed Daisy and said to her, "Geez, tell your parents that they need to stop doing that-" he shivered, "and they need to brief everyone on this Eli thing"

Daisy sighed and spoke. "What are they doing? Actually I don't want to know" and she walked off to the office, dreading what she would see next.


I hope you liked it! I'll update soon!

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