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The sunlight filtering through the blinds woke me earlier than I would have liked, but after last night's marathon of data analysis, I didn't mind too much.

I grabbed my phone and noticed a group chat notification from Stacy.

Stacy: Coffee at the quad before class?

Emmy: I'm in, as long as they have those bagels with the cinnamon spread :)

Justin: I'll be there but I'm not doing bagels before noon.

Emmy: Boring

I smiled at the screen, quickly typing out a response.

Me: See you guys there in 20.

After a quick shower I headed out. The campus was buzzing with activity, students hurrying to their classes and students walking around campus, taking advantage of the rare sunshine.

I waved at a few familiar faces before reaching the quad. It was one of our favorite spots on campus, with its large oak trees and open green spaces.

Stacy spotted me first, waving her arm enthusiastically from one of the outdoor tables. Emmy was already there, taking a sip of her iced coffee, and Justin was balancing three cups as he approached.

"Morning!" Stacy greeted, pulling me into a quick hug before I sat down.

"Morning, guys," I replied, smiling as Justin placed my coffee in front of me with a flourish.

"Black coffee, no sugar. The usual, right?" he asked with a smirk.

"Yess, thank you so much Justin" I replied, taking a grateful sip. "So, what's the plan today?"

"Surviving social psychology," Emmy said with a dramatic sigh. "We've got that midterm coming up, and I swear half the textbook doesn't make any sense."

"I'm sure you'll ace it," I reassured her. "You always do."

She shrugged, but I could tell my words had cheered her up a bit. Stacy, ever the optimist, was already pulling out her notes.

"Well, we've got that study session later, so we'll be fine. What about you, Emily? Any more late-night meetings with the grumpy Mr. Larsen?"

I nearly choked on my coffee, shooting her a look. "How did you..?"

"Relax, I'm joking," Stacy said with a laugh. "But you've been spending a lot of time on that research project, haven't you?"

"Yeah, it's been intense," I admitted, feeling the warmth of their curiosity and concern. "But it's kind of exciting too. We might be onto something new."

"Of course you are," Justin said, leaning back in his chair. "You're one of the smartest persons I know. If anyone can figure it out, it's you."

I blushed, trying to hide my embarrassment by taking another sip of coffee. Compliments always made me a bit uncomfortable, but with these three, it was easier to take it in stride.

"So, what's the deal with Mr. Larsen?" Emmy asked, her tone more curious than prying. "He's got the reputation, you know."

"For being a hard-ass?" Stacy added helpfully.

"Yeah, that," Emmy agreed.

I considered my answer carefully. Last night had given me a new perspective on him. "He's tough, but I think it's because he expects a lot. And honestly, he's been different lately. More open, I guess."

Stacy raised an eyebrow. "Open? Are we talking about the same Mr. Larsen?"

"Yeah, I know it sounds weird," I said quickly. "But we're actually making progress on this project, and he's been more.. I don't know, more collaborative."

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