Food is good to eat when it fulfills the following qualities:
It is nourishing or nutritious
It has satiety value
It is prepared under sanitary conditions
Its palatability factors (color, aroma, flavor, texture)
Within the budget and suitable to the occasion.
Nutrition Classification
According to function
According to chemical nature
According to essentiality
According concentration
Classification of Nutrients
According to function - Function as energy giving, body building, body regulating.
According to chemical properties -
Organic – protein, lipids, carbohydrates, and vitamins
Inorganic – water & minerals
Food Groups – Food guides translate quantitative nutritional requirements into simple, practical and non- technical language using available and common foods of the country.
The 3 Main Food Groups
Body-building foods - foods that supply good quality proteins, some vitamins and minerals.
Energy foods - mostly of rice and other cereals, starches, sugars and fats contribute the bulk of Calories.
Regulating foods - composed of fruits and vegetables that provide vitamins and minerals, particularly ascorbic acid and pro vitamin A.
Dietary Guidelines strategies to promote appropriate diets and related health practices to achieve the goal of improving the nutritional condition.
Introduction to Basic Food
Non-FictionThis book is introducing all about basic foods and its other application