Chapter One:

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Another day another steal. I am currently in the main street pocketing everything I can just like Mare taught me.
Its not like anyone MINDS just a watch here, a necklace there, maybe a much I would say. 'We need it more then they do' Mare would say but she's been gone for months. 

I slip my hand into a women's pocket and pull out a button? She turns here head slightly glancing at me. I guess that was to close I should stop then.

Today it seems all I got was a wallet and this dumb button that could've gotten me killed. Sighing I open the wallet of course there's not much but  six dollars and seventy cents (Idk the money situation here) could get some scrap fabric for Gisa, and possibly a loaf of bread...

 Which is far better then Moms cooking.

I make my way to the small bakery that has a Tv its on the silver news PERFECT. Watching the tv I pay for the loaf of bread, its panned on an arena. A small figure appears no two figures appear the camera zooms in on the two.

Its a man and....and its Mare? Why is Mare there? 

'Breaking news: Two traitors also known as Mareena and Tiberius Calore the Seventh' THE DAMN PRINCE?! 

"Oh my gods oh my gods..." I mutter. 

"Maddy your order?" The baker named Kim NO its not weird I know his name, waves the bread in my face I take it and step aside for the people to order their things. My gaze is focused on the Tv. More figures appear, their going to kill each other...

I sprint out of the bakery bread in hand, I need to tell mom and dad

(Time skip BC I am the damn author sue me. Days LATERRRR)

I've been alone for five days left here, like a piece of shit, my parents and family left me here alone I'm all alone, the powers been out for two days the air is always clammy like a storm threatening to burst just like my emotions. 

Currently I walk the streets pocketing here and there my skin is cool, I'm not mad they left I'm mad that they didn't even leave a note, mad that they dropped me here alone. When I got back home from seeing the news they were gone not a trace. 

My feet drag I haven't eaten in a day or so. People are crowded around something-no someone someone important...guards surrounded that person, protection. 

I walk into the crowd (IDK how to spell sorry) peering over shoulders of people I spot a Man-no Boy-ish looking person crown on top of his head, cape and black uniform he looks like a child playing dress-up the cape just proves it. 

My eyes squint as I take this eyes widen the backstabbing King who ordered my sister to die. 

"I'm looking for a Madeleine Barrow I command you point me to her house" 

His voice is boy-ish yet demanding I stumble back away from the crowd  thats MY name why would the traitor want to see me oh he going to kill me? 

The air around me grow's moist again as if about to rain, the wanta-be King's gaze finds me. Suddenly I am pulled away into an alley, by four hands, one covers my mouth before I can scream for help.

The hands pin my own behind my back the others stay on my mouth. I do the only thing I can, my teeth sink into the hand covering my mouth the person yelps in pain and lets go of my mouth. 


At this I run out of the alley looking back to see people in dark outfits and a red mask. I push past people not caring about the children or elders in my way MY life matters they aren't getting kidnapped.

Yet again someone grabs me but its my neck they grab, their hand is hot burning, boiling my blood but mostly burning my skin. I scream loudly in pain and am soon grabbed by others who push me to the ground onto my stomach. 

My neck still burns even though there is no one touching it. Someone digs their knee in-between my shoulder blades. I tilt my chin up in time to see it was 'King' Maven who burned my neck.

"Keep her pinned I'll deal with her later" 

I scream again in pain, I've had worse I'm sure but I am pissed I was already mad to begin with and this-this broke a dam of anger. Like what did I do? I've done nothing wrong! Actually scratch that I've stolen things.

It starts to pour out of no where the rain coming down cold like ice. A hand cuff is forced onto my left hand, numbing my left fingertips that is until the pressure falls off my back and beside my face I gasp as water pools out of the guards mouth. 

Another scream escapes my own mouth and I push myself up with all fours (Like in track take off) and sprint.

"Get that filthy new blood! Kill her!" His tone is filled with hate. What did you do Mare?

On order three men begin to chase me, the sky thunders. "What did I do!?" I run like a mad man through the town jumping over boxes trash and people.


I feel like a child running away from bully's.

Think Maddy think.

Its as if the rain is following everywhere I go every step every breath every heartbeat.

Finally the solders shoot the bullets causing people to scream including me I don't care how I look because I'm GOING to DIE if I don't make it out of here.

I spot a ladder to a roof of a building perhaps a house? I don't care anymore. The only thing going through my head is: Run hide run hide run hide. I sprint to the ladder Climb climb climb now sings in my head. I take the rungs two at a time, surprised the guards suck at shooting. 

When I get to the top of the roof I'm out of breath wheezing. More bullets more shooting more screams then they all stop... It doesn't take long to realize the solders were climbing up the ladder too.

Why the hell am I so important?!

Frantically my head whips around the roof searching for a way off. OF COURSE there ISN'T one. The rain matches my worry pounding fast and hard on everything. Taking a deep breath I run jumping off the roof but I immediately regret it a dark figure appeared just in time to catch me wedding style I hiss in pain as their hand touches the burn, then as quickly as they appeared we disappear as if time and space were warping around us

(HAIIIIIII I hope you liked this chapter my fingers hurt like hell but I left you on a cliff HANGERRRRR)

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