Chapter Five:

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(MWAHAHAHAHAAAAA I TOLD YOUUUU, oh the pic is for you Maven lovers who kick their feet and giggle when you read 'he smiles' (; )

Maven Calore POV:

I sit in my office filled with books and a Tv, fidgeting with my new flame maker bracelet. That witch stole my last one and yet this new one isn't the same. I haven't worn my crown in five days. Little witch I will find you.

 I sigh and lean back already tired of doing this stupid paperwork. I'm King now...yay.

Carefully I touch my once broke nose, the healers did quiet a good job at correcting the break. I could've mistaken her for Mare, her long wavy brown hair, grey eyes, but the freckles set me off...That witch nearly drown Ptolemus with his own blood. Strange so very odd. 

Powerful. Tool.

I need her.

I will find her.

Madeleine POV:

Weeks pass in a blur, Wake up, Teach, Practice, Eat, Rec Time, Sleep. Like a schedule, I've learned to control my power with the help of  Cal, surprisingly water and fire work very similarly, hard to tame, hard to shape, hard to use.

Finally I beg Mare to let me go meet a boy, named Luther. Its a dope ass name. We arrive at the outskirts of Haven. 

I stand behind Mare like a body guard beside Cal. The small boy looks no more then eight, skinny, and black wispy hair. When Cal turns on his fire my first instinct is to extinguish it, two water orbs appear out of nowhere and the fire disappears his hand hissing as the water falls on it. 

"Fire hazard" I shrug off Cal's glare while Luther stares in awe at the both of us mouth agape. 

"You all...newbloods? Can control their power too? They can control who they are?" Mr. Carver's eyebrows raise. 

"Yes we can sir." Mare's own hand cackles with purple sparks. "With practice of course." I add I'm being rather realistic...

The boy's father glances between us all. Then with sudden speed grabs a pot containing a fern like plant. "Go on boy show them what needs fixing." his voice is gentle and careful. The small boy grazes the leaf nothing happens.

"Its okay Luther you can let them see." I smile, and the boy grabs the stem now, the plant shrivels in on itself dyeing. The father grabs gloves from another shelf and sets them on the boy's lap. 

"You take good care of him." His teeth are clenched and Luther puts on the gloves. We all shake hand except Cal. As we leave the house Luther trembles beside me, and I'm not sure if anyone hears. He doesn't understand fully. 

I stop moving Luther beside me. I turn, and pick the small boy up with ease like how I would carry Gisa. He doesn't stop crying though as I do wrapping his arms around my neck and his legs around my waist. Luther doesn't even know me and yet he trusts me. 

"Its going to be okay Luther everything will work out you'll have loads of fun...think of it as a long term sleepover." With that I catch up to Mare and Cal. I've never been one with words but physical touch is all I can do to comfort people.

Days blur into each other once more. More children more teaching with Cal its a pain really, the fact I get attached to the small kids so quickly. In all there are four boys and one girl.

Everyone is so different but no matter what Luther has followed everywhere I go. Its like having a little sibling all over again. He holds my hand everywhere and anywhere even to go hunting with Kilorn and Farrah. 

Like right now we stay hidden behind some bushes while Kilorn sets up traps and takes traps down. We've caught four rabbits so far. This time we hope to get a deer.

"Here. Try not to kill the whole bush this time." I poke a small piney branch and Luther nods determined. He takes off his gloves and reaches out small fingers brushing the needles the branch shrivels up on itself and then the branch next to that one and then the next. Killing three branches.

Luther frowns and hurries to put the gloves back on. I smile 

"Good job!" Farrah makes my shout seem like a whisper I give Luther a high five. "Thats a whole lot better then killing the whole bush if I do say so myself which I do." His face lights up in a little cute grin.  

He scoots beside me when Kilorn sits in front of me and beside Farrah. That girl doesn't talk much.

"Can we practice more later Addy?" I've tried to tell him to call me Maddy but instead he and the other children call me Ms. Addy or Addy. "Sure if I have the time." I smile and then press my finger to my lips silently telling him to shush. 

Even if Farrah can make it seem like we aren't speaking I do need my quiet time. I sigh as Luther stares at me like a begging puppy. Carefully I create a floating orb of water from the ground. 

The boy pokes at it playing with it shaping it into a square, triangle, duck. I hold it there when I turn my attention to Kilorn. In his hand is a Bow and Arrow. He says that its like the fish spears they had back home in Stilts.

Kilorn is stiff ridged he's been hard to get back into the fold its like he never see's Mare anymore. I touch his shoulder somehow he gets even more rigid. I tap the crook of his neck as if saying Its just me. Chill.  He seems to relax at that and shifts to see the small clearing better. I turn my head back to Luther.

I watch as he spins the water orb and pokes it with one ungloved hand with the other he picks a nearby dandelion and shoves it into the water as if incasing it, he grabs more things to put in it but when he throws a rock in the water it sinks to the bottom and falls back to the ground. 

I hear a small click nothing more. Kilorn shot a deer. 

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