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A/N: Start the day with some  Mother Miranda angst 🤗
"I have given you my mind, body, and soul. Quite literally everything I am. What more do you need? What more can I give to earn your trust? Your loyalty?" You yell horsely, adrenaline coursing through your veins.

Fights between Miranda and yourself, almost always evoked such emotions and entailed shouting.

Predictably, Miranda remains leaning on the back counter, tall and stoic, demeanor unwavering. She doesn't have time for these fits of yours, yet she finds herself at the receiving end periodically. If only you had better anger management, she often thought to herself.

Deciding to wrap it up herself, Miranda turns around with nothing more than a low sigh, as she continues her work that you so un ideally distracted her from. There was really no point in conversing with you when you got like this. So wrapped up in that little head of yours. Miranda knew you'd stomp off, calm down, and then eventually, everything would be as it should. That is till you decided you wanted to throw yet another fit. Miranda rolls her eyes at the thought.

So crass, she thinks to herself. So quick to anger, so damn distracting, she grits her teeth.

Still standing, almost in shock, almost that is, you huff as you turn around and slam Miranda's door to her lab shut. How could she spare you hardly even the time of day, and then completely disregard you and completely ignore you! Absolutely infuriating.

Your knees sank to the floor as hot tears rolled down your already inflamed cheeks. The exhaustion of the last hour hitting you like a ton of bricks.

You loved Miranda, truly you did, but she was so wrapped up in herself, so reliant on you being an obedient mindless little mass of cells, you couldn't do it anymore. Enough was enough, you'd make Miranda realize just how much she needed you, even if it was the last thing you did.

Regardless if she realizes the error of her ways or not, that won't be enough to change her. Nothing is enough to change the one and only Mother Miranda, priestess, protector, matriarch of the Village.

You couldn't go back. Not to a life of constant tug of war, always pushing and pulling, it gets rather tiring after awhile. As much as you'd like for things to brighten, you're burnt out and quite frankly no longer care to reach the light at the end of the tunnel. This time, it's about Miranda suffering. Even if it makes you suffer a little bit too. 

You weren't sure where you'd go or what you'd do, but if there was one thing on your mind, it was her; just like she intended.
A/N: here's my Tumblr if anyone's interested, whore4gwen. I update more frequently there:)

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