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Authors note; you've been replaced😖


Everything about Alcina was absolutely riveting. From her mannerisms to her facial expressions. She reeled you In, only to toss you out when she was finished.

The matriarch was temperamental and didn't have time for disobedience. If she wanted you, surely she'd have you. That, seems to be something you forgot.

How could you?

How could one ever forget something such as that? You're merely a pawn. Something to sustain, to entertain the lady before she decides you're no longer whimsical.

You ride the high horse till she finds a fairer mare. It's been two weeks since you've been outcasted, tossed to the side as if you were trained and no good.

Together they laugh and joke, read and talk about the fine arts just as you had done.

You're all used up, all your vibrant colors that once drew her so close have washed away. Back to the dull, tedious life you endured before. Before heaven, before luxury, before love.

You feel crass for admitting so, for being so incredibly dim witted for falling for the great Alcina Dimitrescu. Of course you're not the first, nor the last, but the thought still sickens you to very core.

How could she be so heartless? So callous? So warm and inviting to someone she no Intention on keeping longer than three weeks?

How long will this one last? You wonder. She'll probably think she loves her and she's the luckiest person to roam the Earth. That she's been sent a gift from the Gods and Goddesses themselves. How incredibly, miserably wrong she is.

If I am not yours what am I? I have tired to catch your eye. Even just a fleeting glance. Not even the smell of blood arises a reaction from you anymore. Your eyes are cold as winter. Not the gentle, loving ones I grew so used to peering into.

You've changed, I tell myself. Or maybe I just never noticed before. So engrossed in the way you loved me, I never saw the beast behind the shadows begging, waiting to be released.

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