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Btw I am Not these artist of any of these and idk who is
Alcina held you closely as she whispered in your ear. "I won't let her hurt you my love, I promise"

Alcina's words soothed you slightly as you lessened your grip on her dress, feeling a small sense of security.

That small sense of safety quickly fled as you whipped your head around at the sudden intrusion. The castle doors dramatically flung open, a big cold gust of wind almost knocking you down.

"A-Alcina?" You said in a hushed tone hoping she'd protect you.

"It's okay darling turn around" Alcina said quickly as she repositioned your head to be facing her front, just as it was before.

"Alcina, stop playing these foolish games and hand over the girl immediately." A strong voice yelled, causing you to wince slightly.

"I, I can't mother" Alcina said hesitantly, tightening her grip on your arms.

"You will do as you're told child, remember from whence you came." Miranda says giving a bone chilling look, causing small
goosebumps to erupt on your arms.

"No" Alcina replies sternly seemingly made up her mind on who's she willing to lose, her mother's validation or the love of her life.

"How dare you defy me?! It was me who gave you a life, not this wrench." Miranda said with a venomous tone.

"I hate to do this Alcina but you've left me no choice" Miranda says slowly as she starts breaking into a manic laughter. Then suddenly this gooey mold like substance that resembled branches burst through the floor presenting all three of Alcina's daughters, bound by Miranda's magic. "It's her or your daughter's, you pick" Miranda says with a menacing grin.

You felt as Alcina's body stiffened against you. You looked up to see her face, she looked conflicted. She wanted to protect you, she loved you but those were her daughters. What was she supposed to do in a situation like this?

You didn't want Alcina to choose, the thought of her choosing them over you or her choosing you over them shattered your heart. How could someone be so cruel they'd make someone choose between their lover and children? Over something so pointless. She needed a vessel for her deceased daughter Evelyn and she was convinced you were the only probable host.

After being lost in thought for a moment you started to feel Alcina's grip on your arm loosen. "Alcina?" You asked confused as to why the hell she'd let you go, then you realized.

She's made her decision.

Her arms fall flat against her sides. You look up at her as tears start flowing down your cheeks. Alcina averts her gaze, unable to deal with the pain of seeing you. At this Miranda's grin only widened. "I knew deep down you were a clever girl Alcina" Miranda says mockingly as she releases the girls from the mold.

Miranda flicks her wrist sending some of the mold to retrieve you. You are stunned when you're suddenly pulled backwards and is raised about 10ft from the ground now side by side with Miranda. "See Alcina this is what happens when you comply, next time you disobey me I won't be so generous." Miranda said in a monotone voice.

"Yes mother" Alcina whispered, head hanging low. She was ashamed of herself but what was she supposed to do, let her children die?

Pleased with herself Miranda turned around making her way out of the castle, with you along side her. Panic started to flood inside you. You needed to get away but the mold was wrapped tightly around you.

With nothing else in mind you started kicking your feet trying to squirm free. "Stop squirming child, the more you struggle the tighter they get." Miranda hissed feeling annoyed. Realizing your doomed fate you started crying again. "You promised!" You yelled. "You promised you'd protect me! Liar, Liar! You're a liar!" You screamed feeling frustrated.

Alcina fell down to her knees listening as you screamed and tried to break free. You were right, she had promised to protect you and she had let you down.

A/N: I should probably go to sleep

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