A mystery..

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(This will switch from multiple povs, Shelly's pov for now.)
It was a cold night, well...for me. I was just about to lie back down until I heard scrapping in the vents, I decided to get up but remained cautious. I quietly walked— or tiptoed to the wall vent. I would speak through...

I saw scratches in the vents, my eyes would widen. Those claw marks were...abnormal. The claw marks slightly shocked me, so I grabbed a flashlight and opened the vent. I looked at the marks, also noticing bite marks.

Who would try that? Most importantly...what is doing that?

I thought before closed the vent when I would hear the clawing and scratching again, I got pretty scared. I would quickly block the vent and turn off  my flashlight. I was honestly too disturbed to go back to sleep.

I had seen a lot now. I would get back in bed, just lying there. I would be thinking about the clawing and scratching noises in the vents, the marks...soon I would drift to sleep, slowly but surely..

(Vee's pov)

It was morning, at least 7 am. I was pacing around my room, thinking about how I had treated Shelly.

Was I too harsh on her? Did I grip her to hard? Is she mad at me? Is she hurt?

I would ask myself before shaking my head, she didn't seem hurt or threatened when I did that to her. Though...I feel bad for treating her like that. I would keep pacing around my room, feeling quite guilty.

I should go and apologize to her. Maybe then I'll feel better.

I felt the weight lift off my shoulders slightly, though it was still there. I would sigh and sit down in a chair, cleaning off my microphone. Dandy hadn't let me do a show.

but why would I, Vee, listen to Dandy, that rainbow petaled flower?

I thought to myself, still cleaning my microphone off. It was pretty dirty...I hadn't used it in a while. I still remember that one time Scraps won instead of Dandy and Shrimpo, well I wouldn't want Shrimpo to win anyway!

"Maybe I should go find Toodles and find out what this 'black figure' is."
I would say out loud, getting up and brushing the dust off of me. I would head out of my room, opening the door quietly so I wouldn't wake anyone. Toodles was usually up at this time...so I should be able to find her in her room or something...

(Pebble pov yippee!!)

I was chasing down a ball in the hallway, well...mostly because Dandy wouldn't play with me. I was pretty mad and tried to bite him but he sent me out of the room and called me a bad boy!

I'm not a bad boy am I? Of course not!...or am I..?

I would keep chasing the ball until- I caught it! I started to get bored so I went to go look for Toodles. She always plays with me when no one else will! I would run around, since I'm the fastest toon!

I would go into her room, seeing her playing with her..'doggie plush'?..or whatever she calls it. I'm more important than it! I would run up to her, dropping the ball and wagging my tail to get her attention! Hopefully she knows what I mean since I can't really talk...

Toodles would play with me until Vee came into the room, I would keep playing with my squeaky toy! Vee and Toodles talked about something like a figure? A shadowy one perhaps?...I don't know, and I don't think I care enough to try and translate.

Toodle's pov.

Vee had came into the room while I was playing with Pebble! She would sit on my bed and pat the spot next to her, I would go over and sit.

"So..what we're you doing before that 'figure' chased you?"
Vee would ask me, her eyes narrowed on me as I tried to remember. It was pretty hard to remember...as it was 2 days ago, it wasn't THAT hard to remember something from 2 days ago! Was it..?

"I...I was with Pebble but he sprinted away before I realized what he was running from!"
I would answer, slightly remembering. That was strangely hard to remember...why was it?

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