The end.

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Shelly was walking down stairs, looking for Finn still. Vee wasn't here at the moment, strange. Shelly kept walking down the stairs until she got to the very bottom. She looked around, finding blood(ichor) on the ground. She quickly ran up the stairs, not wanting to find out WHATEVER was down there.

Shelly got back into her room, slamming the door and locking it. She covered her mouth, sitting there silently. Shelly heard loud footsteps coming near her door, she heard claws on the wall. She kept her hands over her mouth, listening.

About an hour had passed, the clawing finally stopped. She stood up quietly, opening the door...

She was quickly hit by something, getting knocked out almost immediately. All she saw was something yellow and green before going unconscious. She lied there, unconscious.

Vee was walking down the hall, noticing Shelly's door wide open. She wasn't in there..?

Vee called out, walking into the room. She knew that was rude but..where WAS Shelly? Vee looked around the room again, noticing blood on the floor now. She walked into the room more, seeing that it led to the vent.

Vee looked into the vent, seeing even MORE blood. Vee left the room, about to go report this to Dandy before she realized, what if HE did it? She thought for a moment, she realized silently. Dandy had been suspicious the past few days.

// Word count: 260//

(Sorry, it's the end! I have more books to work on..I just wanna get this out of the way!)

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