Chapter Four

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Pain sharp and fierce ripped through my body from the tips of my toes to the top of my hairline. I was burning. Heat enveloped around my heart and pooled through my organs like molten lava. Burnt plastic and the smell of raw flesh filled the air, with the sounds of my heavy gasps for breath. I was unable to move, scream or yell, forced to lay on the hard ground, barely alive and burning from the inside out. I had never experienced pain this unimaginable before.

I tried to peel my eyes open to see my surroundings but struggled to open them. They were being forced shut on their own accord, probably to protect me from whatever fiery scene was happening around me.

"This is what you're causing her soul to deal with, you're destroying her Hyun, absolutely ruining her." A deep malicious voice rumbled through the room. I felt the floor shake beneath me at their words. I tried to focus on the voice, hoping it would distract me from the pain that I was dealing with. I couldn't tell where the voice was coming from though, it echoed through the room from every angle, reverberating around me and into my ears.

"I am trying to save her," Another voice screamed. Raw, unfiltered, quivering pain lapped into each word they spoke.

"Save her? Look at her! Her soul is dying. She is dying." The first voice yelled back; their voice shook the room again and I could feel cracks forming on the ground beneath me, slowly opening up. Heat started to bubble up from the openings on the floor, searing into my back. "You can't protect her, she has to die- either she dies or her soul dies and that is a fate worse than death." The voice started to yell but their voice started to soften at the end.

I had no idea what was going on or what exactly they were talking about, her soul? Were they talking about my soul, but even then who were they?  I wanted to open my eyes to look at the two guys that were arguing but I couldn't. They were sealed shut and I was forced to lay there withering in pain, dying, burning alive.

There was a soft gasp, that wasn't my own, fill the room.

"I have to save her," The second voice rasped, his voice choked up with emotions that I couldn't fathom.

"You can't save her but you can save her soul."

The fire in my chest started to deepen. My skin being torn from my flesh. I could feel as the fire pulsed out of my body burning every part of me. Then the smell of chlorine filled the air, and I could taste it mixing with the lava in my throat. The pain only amplified, and with the one last ounce of strength I had, I let out a blood curdling scream.

My body jolted forward as I sat up right, gasping for air. I could still taste chlorine and smell the burning scent of my body but I wasn't burning anymore. I was sitting on my bed having just woke up from the nightmare that I had been in. The sun was shining through my curtains, letting me know that it was early morning.

I surveyed my body, checking over my shaking arms and hands noting that they looked the same as they had yesterday. My tattoos covered most of the surface on my skin except for the areas on my wrist that were raised puffed up skin that marred years of scars. I patted my chest, still feeling the sensation that my heart was on fire but subside gradually with each second I was awake. It was only a dream, but that dream had felt so real, I could still feel everything even if it was starting to dissipate.

It took me a few minutes, to regain my composure and my breath before I finally felt well enough to get up. My muscles strained with each move I made out of bed and then to the bathroom. I was lost in thought, trying to remember the dream I had and what had been said during it. The longer I tried to think about it the more it seemed to slide into the recess of my mind. I couldn't even remember what the voices sounded like much alone what they were saying but I knew it might have been important.

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