Chapter -6 Near Miss

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Author's POV

Y/n had no clue that someone was searching for her, that her fleeting night of freedom had left an impact on a stranger. She was completely oblivious to the desperate search happening across the city, where Carter's thoughts were tangled with her image and the mystery of her presence. For her, it was just another night, one where she finally let herself unwind and taste the freedom she often craved.

The next morning, y/n woke up groggy, the faint headache of a hangover reminding her of last night's antics. She squinted at the soft light peeking through her curtains, stretching lazily in her bed. Despite the throbbing in her temples, she felt a sense of contentment. It wasn't often she allowed herself to fully let go like that—clubbing till late, indulging in ice cream under the stars, and laughing without care.

She could barely remember the exact details, just flashes of lights, loud music, and that strange feeling of being alive, really alive, even if just for a moment. The relief she felt was almost foreign, as if the usual weight she carried had lifted, even if just for the night.

Y/n sighed, rolling out of bed, dragging her feet towards the kitchen to brew some coffee. Her thoughts were light, playful, a rare shift from her usual worries. Last night had been exactly what she needed—a break from her thoughts, from her routines, and from the person she usually tried so hard to be.

But little did she know, out there, someone was piecing together the fragments of a night she barely thought twice about, while she was just soaking in the quiet happiness of having let herself truly be free.

Y/n sipped her coffee, still feeling the dull throb of her hangover as she curled up on the couch. Sophie was slowly waking up on the couch next to her, buried under a pile of blankets. She groggily sat up and stretched, rubbing her eyes as she blinked at y/n.

"Morning, sunshine," Sophie chirped, sounding far too cheerful for y/n's current state.

"Ugh, don't start with the energy, Soph," y/n groaned, rubbing her temple. "I'm still recovering from last night. My head feels like it got run over."

Sophie chuckled. "I told you that extra shot at the club was a bad idea. But, come on, you needed to let loose, and it was worth it, right?"

Y/n smirked. "Yeah, it was. Except for that creeper who couldn't take a hint. I swear he was breathing down our necks the whole time."

Sophie's tone shifted. "Yeah, that was gross. But can we talk about that guy who swooped in and got rid of him? I didn't even see where he came from. It was like he appeared out of nowhere, did his thing, and vanished."

Y/n's brow furrowed. "Right? I didn't get a good look at him either. Just this vibe—calm but intense. Then he was gone. Seriously, who does that? Some mysterious stranger playing hero, and we don't even know his name."

Sophie laughed. "Maybe he's your guardian angel or something. But really, it's weird. Who steps in like that without sticking around for some thanks?"

"Honestly, I'm not complaining," y/n said with a shrug, her voice growing more thoughtful. "But I've got other stuff on my mind too. I've been thinking... I'm done with that old place. I want a new apartment, somewhere fresh, away from all the memories. I need to move out, get my own space, be fully independent. I don't want to keep relying on other people, especially after everything with... you know."

Sophie's tone softened with understanding. "Yeah, I get it. You deserve that. A fresh start. Have you looked at any places yet?"

"A few online," y/n nodded, more to herself than to Sophie. "I just don't want to keep living in that cramped place I shared with him. It's like a constant reminder of everything that went wrong. But there's one last thing—I need to get my stuff from his place. The thought of facing him though... I just can't."

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